
Lakes in Iran / part 2

September 1, 2024 Yeniləmə tarixi
Iran is famous for its unique variety of natural landscapes. Traveling around the country you will see endless hot deserts, tropical coastlines, dense forests, and plains. However, the hot and dry climate is reflected in the water coverage of the country: there are shallow rivers that dry up during the hot months. In Iran, there are several large lakes, which are essential parts of Iran’s ecosystem. Today we would like to introduce you to the largest and the most beautiful and unique lakes in Iran. It continues of Iran lakes part 1    

Daryache-e Namak (Salt Lake)

Daryache-e Namak or Salt Lake has located 62 km to the east of the city of Qom. The surface area of the lake is about 647 square miles. Salt Lake is a dead zone, and there is nothing there but salt. Most of the lake has dried up and only 1 km2 is covered by water. Those places that are covered with water create an illusion of a mirror reflecting sunshine Despite the fact that no living creatures are found in the lake, Namak is unique in its kind. The lake is rich in minerals and is considered a unique source of lithium. Salt Lake is isolated from civilization, and the plain area is ideal for observing the stars. In addition, it attracts professional photographers that are looking for capturing natural beauty.    

Lake Bakhtegan

Bakhtegan, with a surface area of 3,500 square kilometers (1,400 sq. mi), was Iran's second-largest lake. It was fed by the Kor River. Several dams on the Kor River had significantly reduced water flow into the lake, increasing its salinity and endangering the lake's populations of flamingos and other migratory birds. Lake Bakhtegan is now completely dry due to the dams built on the Kor River by the government. lake Bakhtegan, Iran’s second largest lake, is fed mostly by the Kur River, while Lake Tashk is fed by overflow from the marshes at its west end and by a large permanent spring in the northwest. Although normally separated by narrow strips of land, during years of heavy rainfall they may join to form a single lake. Likewise, after years of low rainfall, such as in 1934 and 1971, the lakes may dry out completely except in the area near the springs. Supporting more than 20 000 waterfowl during the migration seasons and in winter, the lakes are extremely important for breeding of a wide variety of species and helping to maintain the genetic and ecological diversity of the region. Lake Bakhtegan. Lake Tashk immediately to the north, Lake Maharlou to the west The two lakes, their delta, and spring-fed marshes are designated as Wetlands of International Importance by the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands is an inter-governmental treaty established in 1971, establishing a framework for the stewardship and preservation of wetlands.      

The Parishan lake

Lake Famor (Parishan) is one of the most beautiful and largest freshwater lakes in Iran and the Middle East, located in the upper part of the city of Kazeroon. The lake is also known as Moore, Parishan and Famor The lake, called local "Pagan", is located 15 kilometers east of the city of Kazeroon, which stores 263 square kilometers of surface water from atmospheric rainfalls. The water of this lake is provided by hundreds of small and large springs in the areas of Arjan plain and Plain Femur plain. The above area is 147 square kilometers of plains and 116 square kilometers of mountain and hilly terrain. There are many springs on the lake floor, which is the source of the lake water. Health care & cosmetic packages in Iran. Geographic location The lake is located between 51 degrees 44 minutes 51 degrees 51 minutes east longitude 29 degrees 32 minutes 30 seconds north latitude. Its area is 4,300 hectares and its height is 820 meters. Its catchment area is 2,266 square kilometers and has the largest area in May. The lake has been registered at the Ramsar Convention as an international wetland and is classified as part of the protected area. Attributes of Lakes in Iran Around the lake is surrounded by mountains. The distance from the lake to the mountain is about 4-5 km from the north and about 500 m from the south. Distance from sea to the mountain (north side) of Maleki village (Qalat Nilou Dehpaghah, Hell, Parishan), Arab Femur Village, Cious Hard Village, and East part of Orange Castle, Jaroub and south of Narges Zar castle and west of Lake Sharghjan Village, Decay And iAzabad. The lake is one of the long-standing ecosystems that has been affected by tectonic factors for millions of years. It has four species of native fish called alfalfa, sorghum, perch, and freshwater fish snails, as well as several imported fish species It is like carp, fish and phytophagic fish, which was introduced to the lake in 1989. The only common carp has been adapted to the conditions of the lagoon and caused two other types of problems in the lagoon.  

Kazem dashi

Kazem Dashi or Kazim Dashi used to be a peninsula that was connected to a dry waterway before and when the water in Urmia was not lowered, but now (1391) is almost a part of the mooring, in short, it is attached to the sea. Kazem Dashi is one of the most spectacular and historic places of Lake Urmia, which is more like a rocky island, about 65 km from Orumieh and 1.5 km from Guerechene village. Kazem Dashi for those who are new to this city, near the Orumiyeh road - Salmas (Karabakh road) - there is a peninsula in Orumiyeh Lake, which in the past was quite an island. Rock Kazim Khan is a rocky rock with a spectacular view at the deepest point of Lake Urmia. The rocky altitude is over 350 meters. Around the corner, the stone was cut by cutting its body, with a width of 60 meters and a length of about 500 meters, and the only way to reach the top of a rock is a low latitude. The beautiful natural scenery and architectural remnants and rocky carvings and harsh passages and dinosaur abyss have given the value to this work. According to archaeological research and research carried out by the National Heritage Organization, The most important works of this place belong to the first millennium BC and the Ilkhan period, which is under the protection and maintenance of the province's cultural heritage organization. During the First World War, this castle was named after Ghoshchi and his fellows for 9 years. The castle was built on the command of Kazem Khan 2-story building, which once used by himself and his family. The section of the castle is located on an imperial cone-shaped mountain, located 2 km southwest and near the shores of Lake Urumieh, overlooking the green and green plain. There is a lake near the castle where the bridge has been erected.    

Marimishu Lake

The Marimishu Lake is located 45 kilometers west of the city of Urmia in West Azerbaijan, Iran. It is 37 degrees’ north latitude and 44 degrees’ east longitude, near the border with Iran and Turkey. The area of the lake is 5 hectares. The lake is located next to Lake Urmia, but it has been a long way for many years, but gradually it happened with the events that took place for Lake Urmia. The Lake Marmi Shisha also became the pamphlet of the Urmia Urban Area. The attraction of Lake Marmi is a beautiful and mountainous nature of this area, but an important recommendation is the best season for visiting the Marimishu Lake in summer, but you can also go to the area in the spring, but it’s better not to visit this area in the winter.
Lakes in Iran
Tourism & Travel

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