
Donor Egg IVF Success Rates in 2023

September 1, 2024 Update date
Donor Egg IVF Success Rates in 2023 are promising, with up to 35% success rates reported for women over 42 that choose this treatment option. For many couples, donor egg IVF is the most viable option for achieving a successful pregnancy. If you are considering fertility treatment, it’s essential to explore your options and understand why Donor Egg IVF is quickly becoming one of the most successful fertility treatments for women over 42. With donor egg IVF success rates in 2023 already far surpassing those of traditional IVF with one’s eggs, it is clear why many women are now considering this option. In this blog post on TebMedTourism, we’ll look at why you should consider donor egg IVF in 2023; “why, IVF with your egg is not promising, if you are more than 42”, “what kind of risk factors over 42 push you to opt for donor egg option”, “How using an egg Donation increases your rate of success?” And the other helpful information about donor egg IVF success rates encourages you to call us now!

How using an egg Donation increases your rate of success?

Looking to have a baby via donor egg IVF in 2023? Here are the success rates you can expect.” This motto is on the header of the IVF+ egg donation packages of clinics and fertility treatment agencies, but how, in reality, could they satisfy their patients? Considering this critical point that female infertility as an important parameter may push fertility doctors to monitor it at the first step. Patient age at first, egg quality, genetic disorders and poor ovarian reserves are placed in successive positions that specialists should examine. Embryo quality and embryo implanting problems are the other two factors that are effecting on the donor egg IVF success rates. In such cases, IVF facilities like IVF using a donor egg, IVF + PGD, types of surrogacy, good and healthy diet to increase the chances of IVF success the other options could be in front of the patients. The solution to poor egg quality is the donor egg option via IVF procedure, which works like a miracle, especially for women over 45. In the egg donation process via IVF, the donor eggs are gathered from a young, healthy and screened woman (No history of genetic issues, PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome), diabetes, infectious disease, etc.) and at the next step, will be fertilized with the sperm of the intended father.

Learn more:All about Egg donation in Iran

Donor egg success rates over 45

“How woman age may impact the donor egg IVF success rate?”, “What are the challenges that a woman over 45 expect to have via IVF+ egg donation procedure?”, “How it could be possible I be pregnant at 46 with donor eggs?”, “What is donor egg success rates over 50” and the other questions that may occupy the mind of women want to going through treatments using IVF and donor egg!

Risk of pregnancy with own eggs over 45 | Age-affected factors

Unfortunately, there are two main factors that play a key role in the difficulty of conceiving in women over 45: 1. Diminishing ovarian reserves by age “Ovarian reserves” term comes from the quality and number of eggs (oocytes) that have a direct relation to age. As reported by researchers, the average number of eggs at birth is about 2 million oocytes. Around age 37, the number of oocytes reaches 25,000. If the number and quality of eggs be less than anticipated for your age, diminished ovarian reserves are diagnosed. In such cases, there is the most incredible opportunity; a donor egg will be proposed to the mother if the woman’s body is in good condition, and she could get pregnant and carry the baby. When a woman is incapable of carrying the embryo, a surrogacy procedure will be the next option! 2. Aneuploidy rates by age (Genetic disorders) When one or more extra copies or missing chromosomes occur, an unbalance chromosome complement will result in genetic disorders and a condition called aneuploidy. Down Syndrome, known as trisomy 21, is the most famous case of aneuploidy, a widespread example due to an extra copy of chromosome 21. The bad news is as a woman ages, the chances of having a baby with a chromosomal aneuploidy will increase. It's because the woman's egg age is the same as hers. Females are born with all their eggs, so it seems natural that, over time, problems may occur in the chromosomal division of the egg. Not properly dividing will produce extra or missing chromosomes in the egg. Based on recent research, the risk of aneuploidy follows such figures: • If the mom's age at delivery is 38, the risk of aneuploidy will be 1 in 102. • If the mom's age at delivery is 40, the risk of aneuploidy will be 1 in 66. • If the mom's age at delivery is 45, the risk of aneuploidy will be 1 in 21. • If the mom's age at delivery is 49, the risk of aneuploidy will be 1 in 8. Most embryos with own eggs of the mother in age 35-39 have a chance of abnormality of more than 45% and generally couldn't implant to the uterus. Females over 40 will experience a worse situation, and the embryo abnormality percentage will reach 50%. Neglecting the above factors will push you the wrong way, and you will experience failed IVF cycles! When your fertility specialist advises the egg donation process, it is intellectual that you approve of their advice. It is better to avoid unnecessary insistence on using your egg and imposing unnecessary expenses on your family. It is better to avoid unnecessary insistence on using your egg and imposing unnecessary expenses on your family.

Average Success Rates for Egg Donation in 2023 | The way by TebMedtourism

As women age, the success rate for IVF using their eggs decreases significantly. In 2023, donor egg IVF success rates will be a popular option for women over 45 looking to start a family. Donor egg IVF success rates offer a much higher chance of pregnancy and birth than traditional IVF treatments with a woman’s eggs. Neglecting the low success rate of own egg will lead to receiving more medication, more injections, more IVF cycles, and more expenses and failure stories. Many women over 40 had warmed to their agency, clinic staff and specialists, but due to insisting on going through the IVF process by their egg, they only could remember the experience of crying on the shoulder’s nurse! But this is the time for a happy ending for sad stories! Fortunately, we have good news for women over 40 utilizing the donor egg option. The percentage of donor egg IVF success rate by TebMedTourism is more than 35%. With a success rate of 35%, this treatment option has the potential to help many couples struggling with infertility achieve their dream of having a baby, but how do we create such success stories? The reason is entirely scientific; our unique recipes are listed below: • Using young, healthy, and screened donor egg • Using a fresh donor egg • Utilizing advanced genetic tests like PGD/PGS/NGS/PGT-A • Prescription of some medications and vitamins (for successful embryo implantation) • Recommending an IVF diet plan that exceedingly increases the IVF success rate • Collaborating with well-skilled, well-known conscientious doctors and specialists And many other criteria that are important for us. Don’t miss reading the article on the egg donation process to find out why we are the best IVF clinic.

The other factors affecting donor egg IVF success rates

“Why should you use donor eggs?” Although there are approved answers to this question that has a strict focus on age-dependent factors, there are other factors that could lead to egg donation, like genetic issues in women, surgical or cancer interruptions and in some cases of PCOS that have several failed IVF cycles. • Genetic issues If a woman carries a genetic disorder and wants to have a healthy baby, donor egg IVF is a good option for her. Although advanced genetic tests like PGD/PGS/PGT-A via IVF are available before the step of embryo transfer, there are some financial considerations! You should consider this important point that the IVF procedure is expensive and time-consuming. If the first IVF cycle fails, the second IVF cycle has its own cost. Generally, it is possible you bear a lot of financial pressure. To avoid such financial difficulties, it's better to use high-quality eggs via the donor egg option. • Cancer or surgical interruption Receiving chemotherapy, Immunotherapy, targeted therapies, and other treatments that could affect a bad impression on egg quality and the egg supply will lead the patient to the donor egg IVF option. The donor egg IVF success rate is so helpful that many celebrities choose this option to expand their family. Many factors affect the success rate of donor egg IVF, so it is essential to consult with a fertility specialist to determine your chances. Call us now! • PCOS women with repeated failed IVF cycles According to some researches PCOS could effect on egg quality. in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome case, some immature eggs are detectable. So the egg patients’ quality is in low level and it means they aren’t appropriate to fertilize or develop for embryo transfer stage. Fortunately, there are harmless solution for PCOS patients, donor egg option via IVF is the best way for these patients to expand their families. click now to connect
Donor Egg IVF Success Rates
Egg donation

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