Egg donation in Iran

Egg donation success rate

Egg donation process for recipients

Treatment with egg donation in Iran

Pregnancy through egg donation is one of the most popular methods in fertility today. We are going to talk to you about the success rate of this method. If you also want to know more about this, we suggest that you stay with us until the end of the text, we will talk to you more about this.

Egg donation in Iran
Egg donation in Iran

In general, egg donation is one of the fertility methods that several thousand babies have been born with this method since the year 1984.

Egg donation means that a volunteer called an “egg donor” donates her own eggs, after which the egg and sperm are mixed together in a laboratory setting, creating the fetus or embryo, and the fetus will definitely transfer to the mother’s womb so the infant is born after pregnancy.

Fifty percent of the child’s genetic belongs to the father and the other fifty percent resembles the woman who donated the egg.  But in general, this baby begins to form in its mother’s womb, and the environment of the uterus can have a huge impact on the child.

IVF in Iran
Egg donation in Iran

We are going to talk to you about the success rate of pregnancy by donated eggs.

If you also want to know more about this relationship and donor egg, we suggest that you stay with us until the end of the article.

Note it has been scientifically proven that the environmental conditions of the recipient mother’s uterus, such as the process of blood exchange between mother and fetus, have a profound effect on fetal characteristics.  Also, the mother’s nutrition, stress, peace of mind, positive or negative thinking determine the overall success rate of fertility.

Success rate of pregnancy with egg donation

Note that the success rate of pregnancy using donated eggs in most cases reaches fifty to sixty percent. Note that this percentage of success rate depends on the uterine readiness and sperm quality.

A high percentage of fetuses that are inherently abnormal may not give birth or be born under normal circumstances.

IVF in Iran
Egg donation in Iran

In general, the process of egg donation can be compared to fruits.  Women naturally lose a number of their own eggs each month. Just like an apple tree that loses some of its fruits. The fertility treatment provided by the egg donor is like placing a basket under a tree and then giving the basket to the person who needs it.  In this process, note that the menstrual cycle of the donor and the menstrual cycle of the mother should be adjusted to meet the required balance in this regard, and after the coordination of these cycles, the egg is fertilized and the embryo is placed inside the uterus of the recipient and the remaining embryos are frozen. If the first embryo transfer is not successful, we can use the frozen embryos in the next steps.


In this article, we tried to talk to you about the process of egg donation and also the success rate of this issue. In general, as we said, the success rate of egg donation reaches fifty to sixty percent in Iran, but note that for people who are not able to fertilize at all, this figure can be very high and appropriate.

As a result, you can try your luck in this way, and who knows, you may succeed in conceiving and eventually having a child. So, it is better not to despair after reading this text because fifty to sixty percent of the figure is very good in fertility and be sure to try to do more research in this regard and eventually become a mother.

Egg donation in Iran

IVF + Embryo Transfer

  • Treatment
  • Medical consultation
  • Post Treatment follow-up
  • Airport Pick up/Drop off

IVF + PGD (Sex Selection)

  • Treatment
  • Medical consultation
  • Post Treatment follow-up
  • Airport Pick up/Drop off

IVF + Egg Donation + PGD

  • Treatment
  • Medical consultation
  • Post Treatment follow-up
  • Airport Pick up/Drop off
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