
Is a break between IVF cycles necessary?

September 16, 2024 Update date
IVF is one of the most successful forms of reproductive methods with a high success rate, But similar to other medical procedures, there are some chances of IVF failing. In vitro fertilization means the egg and sperm will combine in a high-tech lab, and after preparation, the embryo will be transferred to the uterus. In many cases, the first IVF cycle will work, but if the pregnancy didn’t happen at the first transfer, the patient should undergo the other IVF cycle. IVF can be challenging, and Failed IVF story can be a devastating journey, but trusting professional agencies such as TebMedTourism, a famous and well-known company in fertility reproduction methods, especially IVF in IRAN, will bring you a happy and healthy newborn. Notwithstanding, the most crucial thing in the IVF journey is patience! Hastiness is so harmful to couples that expect successful pregnancy. Doing back to back IVF cycles can exhaust the body of the patient and will decrease the chance of success and healthy pregnancy; therefore, noticing some following considerations you will read in this article, is necessary. Reading this article of TebMedTourism will provide full information about common questions that obsess your mind, such as “How many IVF cycles can you do back to back?”, “How far apart should IVF cycles be?”, “How long of a wait is recommended between a failed IVF cycle?”, etc. This article has been approved by the TebMedTourism medical team (Dr. Bazazi and & Dr. Mohammadzadeh). (This article has been updated on 10/25/2022)

Is 2nd cycle of IVF more successful?

The ruinous effect of a failed cycle may encounter the disappointing question: "How many IVF cycles are needed for a successful pregnancy?" let's go, what can statistics tell us! Multiple rounds of IVF increase chances of conceiving, researchers say. On the other side, statistic show the rate of live births in one IVF cycle is approximately 55.6% for those under 35 and 40.8% for those aged 35-37. The live birth rate drops to 4.1% for individuals over the age of 42. For those who go through treatment and become parents, it takes an average of 3.6 cycles of IVF to get pregnant.

Why IVF fails first time?

If an embryo transfer is performed, the embryo's failure to implant causes IVF to fail. There is implantation failure when IVF fails, but specialists are unsure if the implant failure was brought on by an issue with the embryos or a problem with the uterus. Most fertility doctors think that the arrest of the embryos (when an embryo stops developing in a lab setting before developing into a blastocyst during IVF) is the main culprit for more than 95% of IVF failures. In many cases, chromosomal or other genetic defects in such embryos made them too "weak" to proceed with normal development and sustained implantation, resulting in an embryonic halt. Unless fertility specialists perform preimplantation genetic screening, or PGS, for embryo chromosomal status, these problems are "black box."

After a negative IVF, what should we do?

  Ensure that the fertility doctor has carefully evaluated the difficulties, as mentioned earlier, to increase the likelihood of a successful second IVF attempt. A top-notch IVF program needs to be diligently and consistently carried out. Although not all IVF process inefficiencies can be "fixed," they should be researched and shared with the couple to inform them about their status and chances of success for a subsequent IVF round.

ways to be more diligent in your IVF cycle

Many problems that contributed to a first IVF effort failing can be fixed, reducing or eliminating the possibility that the same problem will arise during the second IVF cycle. A good connection between the doctor and the intended parents could be an outstanding solution to a successful second IVF cycle. Your doctor's expectations are the following:
  • Setting alarms for prescriptions
  • Giving the daily cocktail of injections at the appropriate times
  • Attending clinic appointments for monitoring (including bloodwork and ultrasounds every other day)
  • Don't forget to have a healthy diet (sticking to Mediterranean diet)
  • Keeping the intended mother running to no more than 15 miles per week
  • Avoid chemicals including formaldehyde (nail polish), parabens (cosmetics-moisturizers-soap), BPA (food packing materials)

How far apart should IVF cycles be?

How far apart should IVF cycles be After regarding the above considering, there is an important question “should you take a break between IVF cycles?” The answer to this question is yes. IVF should not be performed twice a row without a menstrual cycle. For most women, this means waiting 4 to 6 weeks following the embryo transfer and the negative pregnancy test before beginning another complete cycle. Following this method and taking a break for one menstrual cycle call back to back IVF cycles, but if more than your break last, it calls a delayed IVF cycle. The high success rate of back-to-back IVF cycles will encourage fertility specialists and the intended parents, despite medical, physical and financial strains to go through the subsequent IVF cycles.

Why do you mentally need a break?

IVF can become a time-consuming process because of the variety of IVF meds, the price, the ongoing consultations, the waiting, and the anxiety that goes along with it. Your mind may be consumed by it throughout your IVF cycles. Your life may suddenly become to center around conception without your knowledge or consent. To organize your thoughts, reduce stress, and remind yourself of who you are, it may be helpful to take a break from IVF rounds. While this is, of course, a chance to get out of the IVF haze. It might also give you some peace of mind to know that by taking some time to manage your stress and worry, you are actually increasing your chances of getting pregnant. You know that lowering stress can boost fertility. If you feel that your mental health is being impacted, it is always preferable to take a vacation between IVF rounds.

Why do you physically need a break?

Are you physically exhausted from the IVF procedure? If your answer to this question is yes, taking a break is necessary! The drugs used in conjunction with IVF treatment can be physically taxing. Fertility therapy injections can be complicated for some people, especially if they are needle-phobic. In addition, several drugs used in conjunction with IVF, like those for ovarian stimulation, can exacerbate inflammation. Therefore, some fertility doctors advise against starting another cycle until the irritation has subsided. Taxing things such as fertility procedures are stressful and complex; if you feel that a pause between IVF cycles is necessary for your physical health, it is preferable.

Why do you should keep a close eye on your family financial affairs?

Unfortunately, fertility therapies like IVF can be quite expensive. Loans, infertility insurance, and in some cases, even free rounds of IVF offered by specific fertility clinics are a few things that can help, although these often don't cover the expenses of all components of treatment. It seems that you would need to postpone to conserve money for potential future IVF cycles. Just relax; the success rates of your therapy won't be impacted by taking a pause on back to back IVF cycles for economic reasons. whatsapp-infertility

Fresh embryo transfer vs. frozen embryo transfer

Warning! Fresh embryo transfer after in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles should not be performed in back-to-back months.While frozen embryos may have done immediately after a failed embryo transfer attempt, but fresh cycles must be done with intervals. Immediate fresh cycle is dangerous and should be avoided.

Some clinics will go forward with a frozen embryo transfer after a fresh IVF cycle even if they won’t start a new stimulation cycle. Alternatively, doing a frozen embryo transfer immediately following a fresh IVF cycle have had high pregnancy rates. Another way you can go through with your doctor’s consultation. Remember it’s a sensitive process and requires thorough medical examination.Individualizing treatment protocols for each patient maximizes positive pregnancy rates.

The implantation window

The implantation window is defined as the period when the uterus is receptive for implantation of the free-lying blastocyst. This period of receptivity is short and does not last long.

It has been assumed that the WOI is not a constant variable in all women and the determination of its displacement is of crucial importance, especially for patients with recurrent implantation failure (RIF).What’s more, in rare cases it could have different duration and position in the menstrual cycle even in the same woman but during different periods.

A 37-year-old woman with recurrent implantation failure, who was previously classified as idiopathic but has now been diagnosed as having a variable WOI.

In order to solve the problem with pinpointing a variable WOI, a specific type of embryo transfer, called mixed double embryo transfer (MDET), was done where one Day 3 and one Day 5 good quality embryos were transferred simultaneously 7 days after ovulation.

A viable single pregnancy was confirmed by ultrasound scan and a healthy girl was born.This case showed a unique approach in overcoming the problem in recurrent implantation failure patients with variable window of implantation.


Delay between transfers, useful or not?

A study in 2013 showed that the duration of waiting time between failed fresh embryo transfer and the next frozen embryo transfer does not affect pregnancy outcomes.In this study total 293 cases of fresh embryo transfer cycles were included. No significant differences in the number of obtained oocytes, total number of FET, and the total amount of gonadotropin were seen between the immediate and delayed fresh embryo transfer groups. The women were grouped based on the “time” of the first frozen embryo transfer, referring to the period between a failed fresh embryo transfer and the beginning of the next cycle of frozen embryo transfer. This time is divided into two classes: immediate (<90 days after the failed fresh embryo transfer) and delayed (≥90 days after failed fresh embryo transfer).The pregnancy outcomes of the two groups were similar.As you see, there are different and even completely contradictory opinions in this regard.

But fertility specialists usually recommend to take a break between transfers. Even if it does not affect physically, can be helpful emotionally.Finding the best moment in the menstrual cycle for embryo transfer is a crucial step in overcoming the infertility problems in patients with repeated implantation failures

However, making that decision is not easy for many people. It may seem like the clock is ticking louder and faster after a failed cycle that has not resulted in a pregnancy.Some people think in a way that when they achieved power for the process, taking breaks drags them out.

But it’s not right. Many do benefit from a pause in cycles.If age is a factor and you’re worried about taking a break, then talk to your doctor about what is the best action for you.

If you decide to take a break between, you will likely still be thinking about getting pregnant during that time. You can try to take that time to learn new ways to deal with stress.


Is it better to take a break between IVF cycles? 

Some medicines in IVF process may cause inflammation. Inflammation in itself is not an important issue but before going forward with another fresh cycle, it is better to wait till inflammation subsides. Not only physical reasons, but mental and emotional reasons should be considered. After a failed IVF woman may feel upset. IVF process is not an easy one. It is a difficult process financially, physically and mentally.When attempts fail, woman may feel her efforts has been wasted. So it’s important to take a break and acquire physical and mental preparation. Fertility journeys can be stressful and tiring and it can be good to take a breather. It may also benefit you if you get a bit of stress relief and rest.In general, women who ovulate regularly and have unexplained infertility reasons, has been recommended up to three months of taking special medications. In women who have PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease) this time increases to three or four cycles plus taking medication. Medications taken by people with regular cycles are different from those taken by people with PCOS.

How many IVF cycles can you do back to back?

Now there is a challenging question! How many cycles of IVF are too many? Some research has not had extremely good news about IVF’s cancer risk. Although there is no reason to worry, and this news has not been confirmed, we need to take an open eye in this field! According to the financial, mental and physical burden of back-to-back IVF cycles, studies analysis show three rounds is the ideal number for IVF efforts.

How many cycles of IVF can you have in a year?

Most specialists after four cycles of failure would no longer recommend, because the probability of success would be very small. On the other hand, some clinics will do 12 to 13 cycles of natural IVF in one year; Of course TebMedTourism agency wouldn’t recommend this! Multiple cycles of IVF will exhaust the intended mother and high doses of hormone therapy may have a carcinogenic effect.

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