
Some of the most common causes of IVF failure

September 16, 2024 Update date
IVF failure is an unfortunate reality for many couples who are trying to conceive. It can be a heartbreaking experience What is the most common reason for IVF failure? , and it can be difficult to understand why it happened. In-vitro fertilization (IVF) is a complex procedure with many potential pitfalls, and understanding the most common causes of IVF failure can be invaluable for those looking to increase their chances of success. Although success rates for IVF are improving, there are still some common causes of IVF failure that should be taken into consideration. In this article, we'll explore some of the most common causes of IVF failure to help you better understand what went wrong and how to move forward. In vitro fertilization (IVF) has a success rate of about 35 to 40% for women under 35 and with increasing the maternal age, the success rate will be reducing. Fortunately, the average success rate of IVF in Iran by TebMedTourism is 44%, according to the latest data; This indicates by trusting our professional company, well-known labs and fertility doctors and eventually by considering 8 points that mentioned in this post, you could overcome to the causes of IVF failure.

8 main causes of IVF failure in 2023:

For preventing IVF failure, understanding the reasons why it may have failed can help them. On the other side if the first cycle of IVF failed the following information will give them some peace of mind, so keep reading this article to the end to find out the answers of all questions that occupied your mind!

1. Genetic abnormalities of the embryo

One of the potential causes of IVF failure is genetic abnormalities in the embryo, which can prevent from proper developing. These can lead to implantation failure, miscarriage, or a child born with birth defects. According to the research, the genetic abnormalities in the embryo could be detected on day 3rd to 5th of the embryo. In this step, the embryo should be screened, especially in couples with a genetic problem history. The potential treatment that can help couples overcome the obstacle of genetic abnormalities is an advanced method called PGS (Preimplantation Genetic Screening) or NGS (Next Generation Sequencing). PGS/NGS are two revolutionizing genetic tests with more than 99% accuracy that can help to reduce the risk of IVF failure due to genetic abnormalities.

2. Quality of the eggs and sperms

Unfortunately, a variety of factors can reduce the quality of sperms and eggs, and we briefly discuss these affecting factors. Egg quality is greatly influenced by age and gradually decreases after a woman becomes 35. This indicates that elderly women's eggs have a lower success rate of successful implantation. IVF failure can also be caused by sperm abnormalities. The possibility of implantation can be impacted by damage to the sperm's genetic material, also known as DNA fragmentation. The DNA in both sperm and eggs can be harmed by aging lifestyle factors like smoking, drinking alcohol, being overweight, taking prescription drugs and etc. While there isn't any test to evaluate egg quality, semen analysis and DFI can be used to look for investigating sperm DNA fragmentation.

3. Implantation problems

There are many factors that contribute to IVF failure; the two most common are chromosomal anomalies in the embryo and age-related issues. These reasons could increase the odds of IVF failure. Keep reading this post to explore in depth how these factors cause implantation problems and IVF failure.

 Embryo with chromosomal anomalies

Chromosome anomalies within the embryo are one of the most common causes of IVF failure. DNA is housed in unique cell structures called chromosomes. When an egg and sperm are fertilized, each parent contributes one of the 23 chromosomes that house the DNA (giving the embryo a total of 46 chromosomes). Aneuploidy, an abnormality in the number of chromosomes, as well as structural changes to chromosomes' size and the way their DNA is organized, are examples of chromosomal anomalies. Hopefully, genetic tests like PGS/NGS in the step of embryo development in the IVF process will be available. Applying PGS/NGS tests before embryo transfer prevents from recurrent implantation of embryos.

 Lifestyle-related condition

Many articles have been published for many years about the effect of a healthy lifestyle on healthy pregnancy and infertility treatments. According to these articles, the following factors could affect the success rate of infertility treatments: 1. Iodine intake "Can iodine deficiency affect fertility?" The beneficial effect of iodine in decreasing the following issues is approved: • Breast pain • Ovulation pain • Preventing ovarian cysts Also, it has a great impression on having healthy estrogen metabolism and fixing estrogen-sensitive tissue like ovaries, uterus, breasts and the brain. 2. Stress Stress has a negative effect on infertility treatments like the IVF process, and nowadays, it is proven that it has a great impact on infertility issues as one of the most common causes of IVF failure. 3. Environmental pollutants Heavy metals and environmental pollutants, especially nitrogen dioxide at higher concentrations, during egg retrieval, will experience an IVF failure, probably 42% more than the other women. 4. Oxidative stress Oxidative stress that exceedingly will raise the probability of IVF failure is because of an imbalance in ROS (Oxygen reactive species) in cells and tissues. By exercising, avoiding alcohol consumption and smoking and having a healthy diet and eating antioxidant-rich foods, you can help your body get rid of bad guys! Positive changes in your lifestyle before starting the IVF process will help to avoid the heartbreaking experience of IVF failure. The other important point that you pay attention to it is the impressive effects of these factors that could affect the health of sperm and egg. It means that lifestyle factors directly depend on both parents, so having a healthy lifestyle can impact the health of the embryo, the success of embryo transfer and successful implantation.

4. Poor ovarian reserve

Diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) will appear in women by aging, but it can also see in women because of genetic abnormalities and specific medical procedures. A fertility specialist assesses women's ovarian reserve using hormone tests and ultrasound imaging. Initial signs of decreased ovarian reserve are as we describe in this paragraph. First, the menstrual cycle may eventually become shorter than the typical 28-day cycle by a few days or in other signs; women may experience missed periods, hot flashes, trouble sleeping, dry vaginal skin, and other symptoms of lower estrogen levels as menopause approaches. In vitro fertilization (IVF) success rates are the same for women diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve as they try to conceive naturally. In addition, due to poorer egg quality, women with DOR frequently experience a higher risk of miscarriage when conceiving through IVF using their eggs. So in such cases, the fertility doctor will suggest the egg donation process.

5. Uterine factors

The endometrium, or the tissue that covers the uterus' interior lining, must undergo biological changes for an embryo to implant in the uterus effectively. The endometrium becomes more receptive to potential implantation by the embryo as it swells in preparation for a healthy embryo. The uterine environment's structure can be affected by several diseases that result in inflammation and scarring, including endometriosis, polyps, adenomyosis, hydrosalpinx, and fibroids. These issues can occasionally make it more challenging for the embryo to attach to the uterine wall. Doctors can assess whether an inflammatory disorder is damaging the uterine environment using imaging examinations and surgical tests. These include using pelvic ultrasonography (a noninvasive diagnostic exam) in addition to hysteroscopy or laparoscopy to introduce a camera.

6. Age

It is common knowledge that women's chances of getting pregnant decrease with age. However, IVF treatment success rates, and the likelihood of successful IVF first cycle, are also impacted by a fall in egg number and quality due to rising age! One of the most reputable fertility specialists in the UK and a co-founder of the Fertility and Gynaecology Academy states: "According to the global success rates, women up to the age of 35 have the highest likelihood of IVF success: 47% for clinical pregnancy and 38% for live birth." Based on such global statistics, many countries that provide infertility treatments, like the IVF process, consider IVF age limitation up to 51.

7. BMI (Body Mass Index)

Overweight or obese conditions affect more than four out of ten women in reproductive age. Obesity raises the risk of developing a multitude of illnesses, including high blood pressure, diabetes, difficulties with cholesterol, heart disease, breathing issues, joint issues, cancer, and early death. In a recent publication in the U.S., a detailed research on “How obesity affects the success rates of in vitro fertilization (IVF)” was done. The result was not far-fetched! • Obesity for women is equal to needs for higher doses of medication. Higher doses of hormone-stimulating drugs are linked to obesity. Additionally, obese women respond more slowly, have fewer eggs successfully extracted and have higher IVF failure rates. • Obese women have lower pregnancy rates. Obese women have decreased success rates with IVF. In relation to women with a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 18.5–24.9 kg/m2, the age-related probabilities of giving birth live are decreased, in other words, a woman's weight increases and her chances of becoming pregnant diminish. • Egg and Embryo Damage from Obesity Obese women had lower egg quality, lower fertility rates, and lower-quality embryos. This indicates that eggs collected can lead to an unsuccessful IVF cycle and, unfortunately, more chances to experience recurrent IVF failures many more than one time. Since one IVF cycle is expensive, experiencing more and more IVF cycles and such exhausting heartbreaking is not intellectual. So before any trying, please lose weight!

8. Collaboration mistakes

The true collaboration between the patients and fertility doctor has a vital role in the success of IVF procedures. In true collaboration, two parties team up to fulfill a wish and reach a common goal! So if the Patients want to get the best result, successful pregnancy and a healthy baby, they should pay attention to all the doctor's instructions and avoid arbitrary actions. Couples who want to go through IVF to expand their family should honestly describe their health status and genetic history so that the doctor can consider all necessary measures. In cases where one of the couples has genetic problems, genetic diseases are observed in the embryo. The quick and timely declaration of the couple before placing the embryo in the mother's womb prevents many problems and IVF failures because the doctor immediately orders a PGD test. PGD is a type of embryological test that can diagnose genetic diseases and nowadays is available in most countries that provide infertility treatment services. Trusting the knowledge and experience of the doctor and sharing all your issues with him/her will help you reach your goal faster with less cost, without having to go through IVF for more than one, two, three or four cycles.
The way forward by TebMedTourism Are you struggling with IVF failure? If so, it's important to know that you're not alone. IVF failure is a common issue that many couples face during their fertility journey, and it can be a difficult and emotional process. However, there is hope, and TebMedTourism is here to help. TebMedTourism is a professional and well-skilled company that provides top-notch services to help couples overcome the odds of IVF failure. With 24/7 answers to all of your questions and concerns, TebMedTourism is the partner you need to make your dream of having a family a reality. So don’t doubt and call us! whatsapp-infertility

Why does IVF fail with good embryos?

Many factors affect the IVF success rate, but why a good embryo that is the result of healthy sperm and a healthy egg couldn’t be implanted and does the IVF cycle fail? The thorough answer is in the uterine factors. The endometrium, or the tissue that develops on the uterus' interior lining, must undergo biological changes for an embryo to implant in the uterus effectively. The endometrium becomes more receptive to potential implantation by the embryo as it swells in preparation for a healthy embryo. The uterine environment's structure can be affected by several diseases that result in inflammation and scarring, including endometriosis, polyps, adenomyosis, hydrosalpinx, and fibroids. These issues can occasionally make it more challenging for the embryo to attach to the uterine wall. Doctors can assess whether an inflammatory disorder is damaging the uterine environment using imaging examinations and surgical tests. These include using pelvic ultrasonography (a noninvasive diagnostic exam) in addition to hysteroscopy or laparoscopy to introduce a camera.

What happens if your IVF fails?

If you have gone through a failed IVF attempt, it can be a difficult and emotionally trying experience. The first step to take is to speak with your IVF specialist to discuss the results and any issues that may have impacted your cycle. During this review, your fertility doctor can look for any issues related to egg quality and quantity, fertilization results, and embryo development that could help explain the failed attempt and inform decisions are moving forward. Read the article to learn more about the most common causes of IVF failure.
IVF failure

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