
Prevention of Multiple Miscarriages through PGD/PGS in the First Trimester

September 16, 2024 Update date

Having a miscarriage can be difficult and painful emotionally and physically for every couple. Unfortunately, about 10-15 percent of pregnancies end in miscarriage and about 80 percent of them happen in the first trimester (the first 12 weeks). As you go further in pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage is less likely so that the risk of miscarriage drops to 2% after 20 weeks. Because of this, some couples wait and not announce their pregnancy until the first trimester is passed and the risk of miscarriage is lower.

Prevention of multiple miscarriages through PGD/PGS can be a valuable gift to so many couples who have tried different ways in order not to miscarry their baby. In this article, we are going to discuss about first trimester miscarriages and the best way of preventing them through PGD/PGS technology.

Quick Information





Duration of procedure

3-4 weeks

Hospital Stay

Zero day

Minimum Stay in Iran

3 to 4 weeks


Signs of Miscarriage


The most common sign of miscarriage is spotting and vaginal bleeding. The miscarriage bleeding often has more clots or passing of tissues than a regular period. However, bleeding is not necessarily a sign of miscarriage and may have other reasons especially when it is not heavy and lasts just for one or two days. Abdominal cramping is another common sign of miscarriage. When cramping is severe or happens more on one side of the pelvis, it is better to call a doctor.

Some women may talk about not feeling pregnancy anymore. They may suddenly lose pregnancy symptoms like breast tenderness or nausea.

IVF + Embryo Transfer
  • Treatment
  • Medical consultation
  • Post Treatment follow-up
IVF + PGD (Sex Selection)
  • Treatment
  • Medical consultation
  • Post Treatment follow-up
IVF + Egg Donation
  • Treatment
  • Medical consultation
  • Post Treatment follow-up
IVF + Egg Donation + PGD
  • Treatment
  • Medical consultation
  • Post Treatment follow-up

Causes of First Trimester Miscarriages

Women may be worried about having recurrent miscarriages usually after they had one. However, the risk of having a recurrent miscarriage is very low, only about 1 percent. There can be several factors causing miscarriage including old ages and other medical reasons.

Chromosome abnormalities:

miscarriage in the first trimester often occurs because of embryo’s chromosomal abnormalities. Chromosomes make our DNA. They contain all the data of the body from the cells development to the color of our eye.

Sometimes at the conception level, a mistake happens in division of cells and the embryo receives more or less amount of chromosomes which will cause a genetic disorder in the embryo and finally miscarriage. The reasons of chromosomal issues are not often clear, but they can lead to miscarriage. However, it is very unlikely to occur repeatedly.

Placental problems:

in body, the organ which links the mother’s blood supply to her body is placenta. If any problem occurs in the development of placenta, it can cause a miscarriage.

Other factors:

early miscarriage can happen randomly but there are some reasons that can increase the risks. One of these factors is the age of the mother. 2 out of 10 pregnancies end in miscarriage among the women aged 35 to 39, and over 5 out of 10 pregnancies lead to failure among women who are over 45.

Obesity, smoking, drinking alcohol, using drugs and having lots of caffeine can be mentioned as the other possible factors involving the early miscarriage. No matter what your miscarriage reason is, you should not blame yourself or the others for that, because most of the time the miscarriages are out of your control.


Using PGD/PGS Technology for Miscarriage Prevention


The word “miscarriage” can be emotionally too painful for couples and especially women. In the past decades, preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) along with in vitro fertilization (IVF) have extremely reduced the risk of miscarriage.

IVF+PGD is used to detect chromosomal abnormalities in DNA that cause miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy. Because all chromosome abnormalities do not happen at the same amount of frequency, PGD testing often tries to find common abnormalities that lead to miscarriage in most of the cases. This technology can reduce the risks of first trimester miscarriages.

Each cell has 23 pairs of chromosomes; one set of chromosome comes from the father while the other one comes from the mother. The embryos that have less or more number of 46 chromosomes are considered abnormal and are called aneuploid. It seems that certain chromosomes like number 13,18 or 21 are at the more risk of abnormality.

The chromosomal evaluation happens during the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF). In this process, a small sample of them is taken from the outer surface of the embryos to be analyzed for counting the chromosomes number and finding the defects.

During the test of PGD, three possible results can appear. If the sample has the right number of chromosomes, it is named euploid. If it contains incorrect chromosome number, it is called aneuploidy, and if the sample contains cells that some of them has the correct number of chromosomes while the other do not, they are called mosaic sample. Whatever the result is, they are usually more than 97% accurate.

If an embryo has chromosomal defects, three possible outcomes may happen. Most of these defected embryos are never implanted into the uterus to be developed into a pregnancy. Those embryos implanting into the uterus will be lost during the first trimester of pregnancy. If they do not miscarry, they will be delivered by genetic disorders. So doctors try to implant euploid embryos which have significantly lower risk of miscarriage and genetic defects. Today, prevention of multiple miscarriages through PGD/PGS can be a valuable gift to those couples who are looking forward to a baby.


If you need more information on this topic and want to consult, contact us NOW.

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Prevention of Multiple Miscarriages through PGD/PGS
Fertility procedures

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