
Rhinoplasty Risks

September 16, 2024 Update date
Rhinoplasty is regarded as the most popular cosmetic surgery in the world, and a mounting number of people are willing to do that in the future. Of course, most of them are worried about rhinoplasty risks. The post-operative results might not be something that patients are craving. They worry about the shape of the nose after surgery and some problems that might happen after that. In this article, we are going to talk about rhinoplasty risks and solutions. During your consultation and before surgery, your plastic surgery will apprise you of the mechanics of the procedure, but also the possible risks involved. To make sure you completely appreciate the risks of the procedure, you will meet with your surgeon and/or a member of your surgeon’s staff, who will ask you to sign various consent forms. Remember that you can minimize the likelihood of risks by quitting smoking, discontinuing use of certain medications, maintaining a healthy diet, and selecting a board-certified, well-regarded plastic surgeon. Surgeons double board-certified in both Facial Plastic Surgery and Otolaryngology are extensively trained in the function and aesthetics of the nose. Read below for more information about the common risks of a rhinoplasty procedure. whatsapp-banner
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How much of a risk is a rhinoplasty?

How much of a risk is a rhinoplasty Everyone before rhinoplasty should be aware of the risks and complications. That’s why the best surgeons discuss all possibilities after surgery before going through this journey. For instance, surgeries' side effects include bleeding, bruising, difficulty in breathing, infections and pain. Of course, the complications after rhinoplasty are rare, but they shouldn’t be ignored, and patients ought to know about them. The risks can be minimized by some changes in your daily routine, such as quitting smoking, discontinuing the use of certain medications, maintaining a healthy diet, and selecting a well-regarded plastic surgeon. When you choose the best country for rhinoplasty, you can find excellent surgeons who are well-experienced and able to reduce rhinoplasty risks to a great extent.

What are the dangers of rhinoplasty?

All surgeries have risks, and rhinoplasty is not an exception. Fortunately, rhinoplasty risks and complications are rare, and it is one of the safest invasive treatments. You should weigh the risk and rewards and then decide whether you want to do rhinoplasty or not. This surgery involves different types of tissues like bone, cartilage, mucosa, skin, fat, fascia, muscles, nerves, vessels, perichondrium, and periosteum. The types of these tissues differ, so some risks are not under the surgeon's control. That’s why sometimes the results are unsatisfactory, so patients blame the surgeons for that. But they should know the fact that some risks are involved, and they are not dangerous. In this part, we are eager to mention some rhinoplasty risks and complications.  
What are the dangers of rhinoplasty


Anesthesia is used for surgeries such as rhinoplasty, which aim to reduce pain and make the procedure safer. Two types of anesthesia exist: local and general. The kind of anesthesia might differ depending on your surgery and the surgeon's opinion. As far as Local anesthesia is concerned, it is used for less invasive surgeries. In this way, only the nasal area will be affected. The patient is quite awake during rhinoplasty. When it comes to General Anesthesia is popular among people, and it is used in most invasive rhinoplasties. Because more people are eager to do surgery without being awake, this kind of Anastasia is common. In other words, the patient falls into a deep sleep as long as the surgery continues. In this method, experts use a tube in order to protect the patient's airway during surgery. Inanition Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC) also exists. This kind of anesthesia is between local and general anesthesia. A patient fades in and out of consciousness during the procedure. In this method, experts don’t use the tube. Instead, they monitor the breathing of the patient contentedly. Considering the fact that anesthesia during surgery is vital and the procedure can be affected by a wide variety of factors, patients should fill out various questionnaires. They should talk about their medical history. Some tests are needed to check the patient's physical situation. Some factors should be improved, and the surgeon will decide whether the surgery can be done or not.


Bleeding Bleeding is one of the expected consequences of every surgery. There are a lot of blood vessels in the nose. Approximately 50 to 150 mL of blood would lose during surgery. If you follow the surgeon's instructions, it wouldn't be a problem. Bleeding is rarely severe, and you need a blood transfusion. Medications such as Coumadin, Ibuprofen, or aspirin can increase the bleeding. These kinds of medicine are known as blood thinners. Before going through surgery, you should talk to your doctor about the conditions of taking these medications.

Psychological aspects

Patients are highly recommended to talk about their expectations of the surgery with surgeons before rhinoplasty. The result might be unfavorable. Some patients would not be happy after surgery. Watching bandages all over your nose and swelling around your face can bother you. In this matter, time plays a vital role in healing, and after some days, these problems will be solved. Keep in mind that the surgeon is responsible for surgery, and after that, you are in charge of taking care of yourself. The doctor doesn’t have control over this part. The time for healing Swelling depends on multiple factors, such as your body, your skin, and how much you take care of yourself by following the instructions the doctor prescribes. The most crucial factor is being realistic about the result of rhinoplasty. You should be honest with your surgeon and communicate with each other for the best and most realistic result. Although we are witnessing huge advancements in medical treatments, and surgeons have gone a long way to stay in this situation, everything doesn’t depend on surgeons. Sometimes even the most talented surgeons cannot change parts of the nose to make the shape you are craving. Other factors such as ethnicity, the thickness of the skin, and bone structure can create obstacles in how the surgeon is doing. So and the final shape wouldn’t be desirable for you. Your surgeon should be aware of what you want from this surgery. You should ask about potential limitations. Beauty is not everything, and you should be able to live and breathe without problems after surgery, so being unrealistic can cause a lot of difficulties in your life. The best way to find out about the result is computer-imaging software. Based on this state-of-the-art technology, you can see the possible image of your nose because it shows the virtual demonstration. Deciding based on this image can guide a surgeon during surgery. You should remember that even if you are not pleased with the result of surgery, there is a chance for another surgery called revision rhinoplasty. Of course, it is highly recommended that you not do this surgery for tiny problems. Some patients are genuinely affected by what people tell them or how they look. While the rhinoplasty result is perfect and the way patients breathe improves to a great extent, they are not satisfied with their new look. The reason behind this matter is that they want to get approval from their family and friends. The patient’s satisfaction will be based on multiple factors. Some young males and females are more often dissatisfied with the result. Patients’ expectations can be unrealistic and beyond the capacity of the surgeon. Patients may react inadequately to a less-than-normal result or may be unsuitable for an operation. Some of these patients should talk to a psychologist to heal their problems.

Nasal abstraction

Rhinoplasty aims at the appearance of the nose, and the interior part of the nose which can’t be seen, but it doesn’t mean that the way you breathe doesn’t change. Apart from cosmetic surgery, some people want to correct the structure of their nose, like a deviated septum or other abnormalities. For Some people, after surgery is difficult to breathe. The nose scar, while healing, can block the airway. Breathing through the nose is essential, and the surgery should be done to improve the face as well as that patients breathe easily. If patients have difficulty breathing before surgery should make the doctor aware of that. In this case, a doctor can find a solution before rhinoplasty. Doctors and patients can create an effective plan to make a nose that is good-looking as well as that the airway works perfectly from the inside of the nose. In this situation, patients are supposed to find a plastic surgeon or ENT surgeon. Patients interested in improving their respiratory system can consult an ENT surgeon. Some surgeons can do rhinoplasty combined with enhancing the airway system. Patients who find breathing difficult after rhinoplasty should inform their doctor about the situation.


Pain is a direct consequence of surgery. According to the type of surgery and your tolerance, the pain level might differ between people. Most people feel a little pain after surgery which can be cured by taking some painkillers. But some people can't tolerate the pain and need more potent painkillers. Typically, your surgeon asks about your pain tolerance to find out whether you are regarded as sensitive to pain or not. This pain might last for one or two days for the majority of people, while some people might experience pain for some days. Persistent pain may last for several days. So if you feel strange pain, let your doctor know.


Bruising is considered one of the side effects of rhinoplasty and pain. The amount and time of bruising depend on the degree of modifications to the nose. Fortunately, bruising doesn’t last for a long time, and it heals a week after surgery for more patients. The area of bruising is usually around the eyes. Patients should remember that the extent of bruising should be reduced day after day. If bruising is abnormal, it is better to talk to your doctor and inform him. The surgeon might recommend that the patient rest more to get better in less time.


Infection used to be one of the side effects of many surgeries, but thanks to cutting-edge technology, nowadays is a very rare rhinoplasty risk. Although rare, it is essential to be aware of them. Infection symptoms include:
  • Foul-smelling nasal discharge.
  • A high temperature.
  • Inflammation.
  • Abnormal swelling or pain.
If patients follow their doctor's instructions can hardly be a problem. The existence of grafts in the nose may increase the risk of infections after rhinoplasty. Patients should be aware if any problem happens, they should call a doctor or emergency.

Risks related to the Type of Rhinoplasty

Risks related to the Type of Rhinoplasty There are some types and scopes of rhinoplasty, and the way of doing them is different. For instance, thick-skinned and thin-skinned rhinoplasty are performed in different ways and can cause various complicationsPrecautions should be considered by both the plastic surgeon and the patient. Some patients choose open rhinoplasty, which can cause scars on the skin. In contrast, in close rhinoplasty, there is no such thing, and it can be done without causing a problem with appearance.

Risks related to the age

Regarding age, you should know that nose surgeries are performed only for people over 18. There are some crucial reasons behind this decision. Rhinoplasty for those under 18 can cause both physical and mental risks. Doing nose job under 18 is limited to some severe problems such as fractures and trauma. The rhinoplasty risks can be reduced after a certain age. That’s why it is highly recommended to do rhinoplasty after 18.

Miscellaneous risks

Some other risks related to rhinoplasty exist. The surgeons usually talk about all the side effects after this surgery. Some hazards include nose asymmetry, temporary numbness in the nose, skin discoloration pain, improper wound healing, skin contour abnormalities, increased swelling, and Irritation of stitches. Acute complications include abnormal swelling, hematomas, local infections, and skin necrosis. Minor swelling is normal after rhinoplasty and is not considered a significant risk or complication. The amount of it might differ in people depending on their skin type. The swelling usually reduces in a week and doesn’t cause any problems for the patient. Visible scars are another rhinoplasty risk that can occur after open rhinoplasty. Patients may find it unfavorable. These scars are more likely to be healed after a month. Numbness after rhinoplasty is another risk, and some patients report it. Sometimes the tip of the nose is involved. Usually, this problem recovers within 12 months

Which Diseases can increase the Rhinoplasty risks?

The rhinoplasty risk is as low as possible for people without major genetic and permanent diseases. People who have permanent and persistent diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and epilepsy should talk to the doctor before going through the surgery, and they should check some problems.

How can I reduce rhinoplasty risks?

The best thing to do in order to reduce the risk is to follow the surgeon's instructions. Countless doctors and experts recommend it. Before surgery, you have plenty of time to ask and find your answer if you are concerned about anything. So don’t hesitate to ask your questions and ease your mind. It is natural to be worried about the result of surgery. After surgery, you will be checked by your doctor to ensure you are recovering correctly and not experiencing any abnormal symptoms. Lowering the rhinoplasty risks is not limited to the surgeon. Patients should take responsibility as well. For instance, it is better to stop smoking around six months before rhinoplasty because smoking can increase Anesthesia risks during surgery, and recovery time will be longer.

Revision rhinoplasty complications 

Revision rhinoplasty is the surgery done when the first one is unsatisfactory, or something goes wrong. Of course, there are some other reasons for this surgery. This surgery is usually is not as easy as the first one and somehow challenging since tissues and structures of the nose have been compromised. As a result, the complications of revision rhinoplasty might be more than usual. Although the nature of the risks and side effects don’t differ, for example, swelling, bleeding, scarring, and sun damage, patients may experience severe symptoms. Sometimes a patient is not a good candidate for this surgery due to the fact that the risks outweigh the advantages. In this case, the surgeon will talk about the dangers. Sometimes problems are temporary, and after months patients feel better. Sometimes the nasal structure may be too early in the acute healing phase to attempt a second or third rhinoplasty. By choosing the best surgeon, patients can lower the risk to a great extent. Before surgery, communicate with some surgeons and use their advice.     whatsapp-banner

What measures are taken to reduce the rhinoplasty risks?

Before surgery, the patient's medical history and tests are checked. Recommendations are given to patients before surgery, so that the surgery would have the lowest possible risk.

How to Lower the Risks of Revision Rhinoplasty

It is vital to choose the best surgeon for reconstructive surgery. Reading his resume and learning about the other surgeries' results is better. Finding a well-experienced surgeon is worthwhile when it comes to revision rhinoplasty since some surgeons cannot do it perfectly. Experience builds good judgment; your surgeon needs to know what to do when a complication occur. After that, you should be aware of all the possibilities and risks of this kind of surgery. Your surgeon should talk about all the procedures. The success rate of revision rhinoplasty should be asked. Be aware of all complications and your surgeon's plan for reducing the risk and complications. You should trust your surgeon and find a surgeon that you can talk to him friendly. Follow all instructions after surgery and during recovery. You can call your surgeon when something unexpected happens.

Reduce Risks: Stay Informed & Communicate with your Doctor

 To reduce the likelihood of the risks outlined above, We remind patients to follow instructions and to ask questions that relate to your concerns. It is typical to feel a combination of elation, stress, and anxiety about your upcoming rhinoplasty, but do not feel reluctant to disclose any worries to your surgeon. After your surgery, We frequently check in with our patients to make sure they are recovering properly and are not experiencing any abnormal symptoms. We also encourage patients to contact us directly. Of course,  prepared to call emergency numbers in the event of a severe emergency, including severe shortness of breath, chest pain or heart palpitations.

Liquid rhinoplasty risks 

Liquid rhinoplasty, also known as Filler rhinoplasty, is a non-surgical procedure. It is done by injecting filler in order to boost your appearance without going through surgery. Due to the fact that it's not surgical, the risks are law. Its risks may include tenderness, bleeding, and some bruising.

What does Tebmedtourim do to reduce rhinoplasty risks?

Tebmedtourim co is one of the leading companies in Iran related to rhinoplasty. The best surgeons are available in this agency to help patients in order to have rhinoplasty without risks. Many examinations are prescribed by surgeons here to ensure no problem exist before rhinoplasty. As a result of the examination, the patient is informed about the issues to be careful before and after surgery. Patients should disclose their medical history, and surgeons are able to talk with patients and talk about the risks of rhinoplasty. Patients can easily communicate with doctors and ask their questions. Surgeons and patients should make an effort to eliminate the risks. Keep in mind that as long as the best surgeons do your rhinoplasty, there is nothing to worry about. You can find the surgeon's information on our website and be familiar with them. On top of that, our colleagues are available to answer your questions. Don’t hesitate to ask. Author:Negar Rafiei This article has been approved by the TebMedTourism medical team (Dr. Bazazi and & Dr. Mohammadzadeh).
Rhinoplasty Risks

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