
Which country is the best surrogacy destination?

The answer to this question depends on different items. The intended parent’s nationality is a monumental part because the costs of travel and residency add up.
Surrogacy is a complicated procedure legally allowed only in a few countries.
Out of them, few can be considered the best countries for surrogacy due to the affordability of surrogacy cost and the legal parentage of the baby.

This is to be noted that going abroad for surrogacy is a common way. Some countries legally don’t allow surrogacy at all, some may lack medical equipment and some are not affordable. Wherever you come from and how much you can afford, likely you prefer to spend less money rather than more! Therefore, knowing the cheapest destinations helps a lot. Reading this article can help you find out what the best country for surrogacy is, so keep on reading to the end of this paper!

(This article has been updated on 09/24/2022)


best country for surrogacy

Today cross-border surrogacy is a prevalent decision that takes future parents overseas in order to have a safer and more cost-effective process. It is important to consider the following factors before starting in order to choose the best country for surrogacy.

Law of the destination country:

choosing a legally secure country for the surrogacy process is very important when you deal with international surrogacy. Having an explicit law regarding surrogacy can assure people that they will not face a problem doing the procedure. By choosing a country where surrogacy is legally supported , you can protect your rights about your baby (Countries where surrogacy is legal 2022 ).

Cost of surrogacy:

for so many couples, the cost of surrogacy might be a limiting factor to growing their family and to starting their parenthood journey. It is a sad fact that many childless couples cannot grow their family due to the low budget. Therefore, if you want to find cheaper costs for this procedure, you might need to consider cross-border surrogacy. For instance, the cost of surrogacy in the USA is between $150,000 to $220,000 while the same procedure is provided at the cost of $21,000 in Iran.

Taking the baby back to your own country:

although the surrogacy process is done in different countries, taking your baby to your home country can have its own challenges because it depends on your citizenship and the embassy of your home country. By speaking with couples who have gone through the surrogacy process before and are aware of the challenges, you can start this procedure wiser and well-aware.

In the following part, the names of the best countries for surrogacy are listed along with an overview of their approximate costs, legal conditions, and other important information that one needs to know for choosing the best country for surrogacy .

Surrogacy in  America

One of the best countries for surrogacy is the USA due to the regulated law system and high success rate that they have.
The surrogacy law in the US differs from state to state. Some of the states are considered surrogacy friendly and some others outlaw this process.
California is one of the popular states that attracts many people for having this type of treatment. Single men and women, heterosexual couples or homosexual couples can use surrogacy in the US.

Despite all the positive points related to the surrogacy process in the US, this procedure has a high cost, which is from $150,000 to $220,000. The high cost of treatment and living expenses, which is out of the budget of many childless individuals and couples made it impossible for many candidates to travel to this country and pursue their dream of having children there.

Surrogacy in Georgia

Surrogacy in Georgia has been legal since 1977 for only infertile heterosexual and gay couples who want to have a biological baby. The use of donor eggs and sperm is permitted in Georgia. The cost of surrogacy in Georgia is approximately $55,000 to $60,000. If you want to do genetic tests like PGD, or other additional services such as using donor eggs, you should pay additional costs.

Surrogacy in Ukraine

The surrogacy process in Ukraine is offered to heterosexual married couples. In Ukraine, there must be at least one genetic link between the parents and the embryo. The cost of surrogacy in Ukraine ranges from $44,000 to $60,000. The total cost relies on whether you want to use donor eggs or genetic testing.

***Note: Due to the Russian military incursion, traveling to Ukraine is currently unsafe and not recommended. Consider other options if you need to travel overseas for surrogacy for the time being.

Surrogacy Success Rate in iran

Iran is the best country for surrogacy

Iran is the number one country in the Middle East and among Muslim countries where surrogacy is carried out with the total support of the legal system for married couples.
***The religious leader of the country also approves of this treatment and therefore Iran has become the hub of surrogacy among Muslim couples.

In terms of costs, Iran is the most affordable country for surrogacy and TebMedTourism offers this treatment at the cost of only $21,000. Iran uses the latest assisted reproductive technologies and well-equipped fertility centers for the surrogacy process.

Iran is the only Muslim country where egg donation, embryo donation, PGD, and sex selection are all practiced legally so you are able to take advantage of them too in case there is a need.

Iran is a special country in the field of infertility treatment and particularly surrogacy due to the low cost and the high success rate thanks to the world-class fertility experts.

Iran is the best country for surrogacy

It is important to note that TebMedTourism ensures you that if you want to proceed with surrogacy treatment in Iran, you will not face any problems with going back to your own country or traveling to any western countries such as the USA, the UK, and Canada due to visa issues.
We provide the baby’s birth certificate on the name of the intended parents. The commissioning parents are the legal parents of the baby and the surrogate will not have any rights after the child is born.

For more information Please read : All about Surrogacy in Iran


TebMedTourism is a facilitator company for treatment of international patients based in Iran(Tehran). Due to many potentials and capabilities in Iran in the field of health tourism, we began our activities to exploit and flourish these talents. We welcome patients and guests from all over the world with open arms and we are ready to provide them high quality medical services by competent Iranian doctors.

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2 thoughts on “Which country is the best surrogacy destination?”

  1. Hi ,my husband and I am British citizen. I want to know is it possible for surrogacy process for baby ? Have any problem for British people come to iran for fertility treatment and surrogacy? Please let me know.
    Thanks Shabnam

    1. mohammad zarezadeh

      We have many clients for surrogacy from all over the world like UK.
      There is no restriction for British citizens to enter surrogacy in Iran.

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