
Abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck in Iran

September 16, 2024 Update date

What is abdominoplasty?

An Abdominoplasty often called a tummy tuck, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that tightens your stomach muscles and removes loose skin and fat from your abdomen to create a flatter, more toned and shapelier tummy.

Quick Information


From 2000 to 2500 $



Duration of operation

About 3 hours

Hospital Stay

One day

Minimum Stay in Iran

7 days


What does an abdominoplasty involve?

An abdominoplasty is a relatively straightforward procedure that typically takes up to three hours depending on the type of abdominoplasty you choose. It is usually performed under general anesthetic. There are a number of variations of abdominoplasty and your cosmetic surgeon will talk you through the different options and offer advice about the best choice for you. They include:
  • Full abdominoplasty – is more major surgery than the other options and takes longer to perform. It may be your best option if you have a lot of excess skin. A curved cut will be made from one hip to the other and fat is removed using liposuction. Your surgeon will cut under the skin above your belly button and pull it down and tighten it.
  • Mini abdominoplasty – is suitable if you have just a little excess skin and usually takes around one hour. Your surgeon will make a small incision just above the pubic area to remove this surplus skin.
  • Endoscopic abdominoplasty - is recommended if only the muscles of your abdominal wall need to be tightened and typically takes one hour to perform. Your surgeon will make small incisions and use special surgical instruments to tighten the muscles.
Abdominoplasty in Iran or tummy tuck in Iran

What are the benefits of an abdominoplasty?

The benefits of abdominoplasty are that it allows you to regain your figure, feel more confident about your body shape and, wear a wider options of outfits. Often loose excess skin develops due to age, pregnancy and extreme weight loss and may cause feelings of self-consciousness. It is suitable for both men and women. As an abdominoplasty or tummy tuck surgically tightens weak muscles and removes excess skin and fat it flattens your abdomen and it can also improve your posture as the tightened muscles support your spine. Abdominoplasty in Iran or tummy tuck in Iran

Abdominoplasty or Tummy tuck recovery and aftercare

Initially, after an abdominoplasty,  you will have bruising and swelling and you may feel some discomfort. This will eventually subside. You can take painkillers to reduce your pain. You will stay in a hospital for one to four nights. Once home you should rest for two weeks. You will then be able to return to work. You should avoid strenuous activity for a few weeks. You will have an abdominal scar that is normally hidden by your underwear. It will fade over time and become barely noticeable. Full recovery typically takes between four to eight weeks. Abdominoplasty in Iran or tummy tuck in Iran SPECIAL PACKAGES

Abdominoplasty or Tummy tuck cost in Iran by TebMedTourism company

The cost of abdominoplasty or tummy tuck in Iran depends on the exact type of abdominoplasty procedure you need to have. Following your consultation process, you will be advised of the guide package price which includes any outpatient care plus follow up the consultation.

Please feel free to contact us anytime for any inquiries!

Note: Due to the latest Iran's currency devaluation, now high quality medical services are available at much affordable prices.
VIP Package
  • Treatment
  • Medical consultation
  • Post Treatment follow-up
  • Airport Pick up/Drop off
  • Visa
  • Hotel 5 * Top
  • VIP Transfer
  • Translator 7/24
  • Sightseeing Tours
Package A
  • Treatment
  • Medical consultation
  • Post Treatment follow-up
  • Airport Pick up/Drop off
  • Visa
  • Hotel 5 *
  • Transfer
  • Translator
Package B
  • Treatment
  • Medical consultation
  • Post Treatment follow-up
  • Airport Pick up/Drop off
  • Visa
  • Hotel 4 *
Package C
  • Treatment
  • Medical consultation
  • Post Treatment follow-up
How much is Tummy tuck cost in Iran compared with Tummy tuck cost in other countries? Nowadays, medicine is a globalized and most issues like Tummy tuck can be treated in different parts of the world. However, every year many people go to Iran to receive Tummy tuck treatment there. Some important reasons for most patients are the high quality of the therapy and the significant role of costs compared to other countries. Generally, Tummy tuck cost in Iran is one third of Tummy tuck cost in other countries while the quality is compatible with countries such as the USA and Germany.
  • You can find the average cost of Abdominoplasty in Armenia 65% higher than the cost of Tummy tuck in Iran.
  • You can find the average cost of Abdominoplasty in Turkey 100% higher than the cost of Tummy tuck in Iran.
  • You can find the average cost of Abdominoplasty in Georgia 80% higher than the cost of Tummy tuck in Iran.
  • You can find the average cost of Abdominoplasty in India 80% higher than the cost of Tummy tuck in Iran.
  • You can find the average cost of Abdominoplasty in Mexico 125% higher than the cost of Tummy tuck in Iran.
  • You can find the average cost of Abdominoplasty in Malaysia 180% higher than the cost of Tummy tuck in Iran.
  • You can find the average cost of Abdominoplasty in UK 190% higher than the cost of Tummy tuck in Iran.
  • You can find the average cost of Abdominoplasty in Australia 205% higher than the cost of Tummy tuck in Iran.
  • You can find the average cost of Abdominoplasty in UAE 165% higher than the cost of Tummy tuck in Iran.
  • You can find the average cost of Abdominoplasty in Canada 270% higher than the cost of Tummy tuck in Iran.
  • You can find the average cost of Abdominoplasty in USA 400% higher than the cost of Tummy tuck in Iran.

What is the difference between a tummy tuck and abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty and belly fold are two disparate terms that allude to one same strategy. Maybe one reason why the last was created is on the grounds that it is a lot simpler to state and retain as opposed to its unique exchange name abdominoplasty. Abdominoplasty or stomach hide is done to take the excess skin and fat from the individual. It doesn't add to weight reduction. Thus, the strategy plans to reestablish any debilitated muscle. It additionally fixes any muscle that has been isolated. The final product of a stomach fold methodology is a mid-region that will look much firmer and smoother. The individual will likewise seem slimmer than expected, also having a more proportionate waistline.
The individuals who are qualified for this method must be healthy. By and by, most competitors choose (plan) to go through abdominoplasty on the conditions that they have that excess skin on their stomach divider. Different patients will likewise be recommended to shed pounds first to improve the technique for the specialists.
There are really numerous kinds of abdominoplasties today. The total method would require a specialist to make a cut over the patient's hip bone. The cut is made low at the pubic territory dynamically. The surgeon eliminates the unneeded tissues and fat and fixes the remainder of the midsection by stitching them. Furthermore, most complete stomach tucks require the genuine substitution of the navel.
The subsequent kind, named as fractional abdominoplasty, is intended for those whose fat stores fundamentally live underneath the navel territory. In this system, there's less cutting required for an endoscope to be utilized to perform such. The navel shouldn't be supplanted or adjusted. This methodology is much quicker to do contrasted with the total belly fold system.

After the system, the patient will clearly feel torment at the worked zone. Under ordinary conditions, most stomach fold patients can't stand erect for the initial not many days after the methodology. Painkillers will be endorsed to battle the torment and wraps should be applied over the etched territory. By and large, a transitory seepage tube is set underneath the skin to deplete away additional blood or liquids.
As a surgery, stomach tucks convey a few dangers of draining or disease. All things considered, current advancements in both medical procedure and medication have essentially diminished these dangers. With everything taken into account, despite the fact that abdominoplasty and belly fold are the equivalent, they despite everything contrast in the accompanying minor angles:
  1. Abdominoplasty is a term that is less famous contrasted with belly fold.
  2. Abdominoplasty is the more specialized or logical term for stomach fold while belly fold is only the more in vogue or traditional (simple to-recollect) method of saying abdominoplasty.
While a stomach fold is less expensive choice of the two systems, it's normally not secured by clinical protection. This implies you could wind up spending around $4,000 from cash on hand, in addition to any extra clinical assistance charges. Like a panniculectomy, you'll have to invest energy off work or school after a stomach fold medical procedure. Since this medical procedure isn't as broad, you'll invest less energy in recuperation. The average recovery time is around four weeks to six weeks. More recovery time might be required relying upon the cut number and size.

Average weight loss after tummy tuck

Tummy tuck can change your body style from an out of shape belly into a tight, etched style. After Tummy tuck, you'll probably seem as though you dropped a significant weight, however actually, weight reduction is regularly negligible. Weight loss after a sleeve gastrectomy doesn't generally make a difference. The genuine advantage of this medical procedure is the enduring improvement in your appearance.
You'd be amazed how much the excess skin you're lifting around really size. Patients that have lost a ton of weight regularly have a great deal of excess belly skin. The measure of weight you'll lose after your stomach fold will change, contingent upon the measure of overabundance skin you have. Normally, post-bariatric patients lose more weight as they have more skin. Some shed 10 pounds or more from their stomach fold. Patients picking a Tummy tuck to reestablish their body because of maturing or pregnancies, lose less weight. Some don't see weight reduction at all and others experience an insignificant weight reduction, ordinarily under five pounds. Regularly a stomach fold prods on future weight reduction, making it simpler and more agreeable to practice all alone.
One of the most widely recognized inquiries patients pose is how much weight they will lose after a Tummy tuck. Regularly, the appropriate response shifts. In actuality, however, it's very little. Additionally called abdominoplasty, a stomach fold isn't a weight reduction treatment. It's not intended to be that way. Consequently, patients shouldn't consider this as an answer for their weight issues. What a stomach fold can do, however, is supplement your self-perception objectives.
You may have gotten with patients that this surgery has helped them get more fit. The facts confirm that it can help with weight reduction, yet not in the manner in which you may think. Specialists planned stomach tucks absolutely to tend to overabundance skin, right isolated muscles, and eliminate stretch imprints. Specialists likewise utilize the technique to fix the stomach territory, so the stomach will turn out to be level and etched. Basically, it doesn't address excess fat.
After your stomach fold medical procedure, you may likely gauge 4 to 10 pounds less, and this is because of the evacuation of excess skin and a touch of the fat layer connected to the overabundance skin. At the end of the day, you won't see an uncommon drop on the scale after the medical procedure. Supplement with Other Body Contouring Procedure
On the off chance that you need to shed more pounds after the medical procedure, you might need to supplement a Tummy tuck with other body-molding strategies, for example, a liposuction. This system can eliminate overabundance fat that is impervious to eat less and work out. Despite the fact that it is anything but a weight reduction treatment possibly, it can carry you closer to your ideal body shape.

Weight reduction with Tummy tuck

One key factor that will add to your own drawn out weight reduction achievement is to shed pounds before you get a Tummy tuck. It's profoundly fitting to do as such, as the idea is that you will have embraced a sound way of life propensities that will help keep you thin for the since quite a while ago run. Subsequent to accomplishing your ideal weight, it's additionally prudent to hold up in any event a half year before your medical procedure to ensure your weight has balanced out. So, on the off chance that you intend to get an abdominoplasty, start your get-healthy plan now. It'll be simpler for you to keep up your outcomes thereafter on the grounds that you will have gotten acquainted with your new solid and dynamic way of life.
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Abdominoplasty in Iran or tummy tuck in Iran

By performing your abdominoplasty procedure at Tebmedtourism Healthcare facilitator company, you can rest assured that you will receive the best cosmetic surgery for your individual needs and desires. We work with surgeons who are specialized and skilled in abdominoplasty or Tummy tuck operations. Our hospitals are appropriately equipped with specialist plastic surgery resources. Our customer service and clinical staff are available to answer your queries during your stay and will provide detailed information about your recovery for you to take home.

Tummy tuck in Iran or Abdominoplasty in Iran


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