what is the cost of PGD?

The Cost Of PGD in the world

Most couples who would like to start their infertility treatment, undergo genetic diagnosis, and perform gender selection are concerned about the cost of PGD which is mostly not covered by health insurance packages. Financing infertility treatment particularly undergoing PGD testing through a solely family budget is challenging. Therefore, couples are looking for the cheapest destination to undergo PGD testing.
PGD cost in 2023 differs from region to region and country to country. The overall medical cost of PGD testing is between $4000 to $30000 depending on the region, country, hospital, or clinic, method of treatment and performance, and utilization of related and specific medicines. In some countries, it divides into 2 categories of national patients and international patients, it means that in some countries, international patients will be treated through international patient departments (IPDs) and they will be charged more than the national citizen of the destination country because the international patient will receive exclusive and VIP services and packages.
Likewise, the non-medical cost of PGD follows the same manner, which means that if couples undergo PGD via their IVF/ ICSI journey in a second country, they reasonably will pay more for additional charges such as accommodation, transportation, round trip airfare, etc. which are reasonable expenses in a medical trip, especially ART treatments!
The most important thing is setting clear contracts and mentioning all details and costs.
But when it comes to exploring costs and starting to google, we will see weird costs! As we mentioned, from the USA to Asian countries, PGD costs will vary from the USA to Asia countries but don’t worry, we have interesting news about the most affordable cost of PGD in 2023 by TEBMED Tourism! read more: ivf gender selection cost

TEBMED Tourism as a reliable healthcare facilitating company cautions couples and patients to evaluate each step of their treatment and finalize all the procedure details along with their prices with any destination before the commencement of the PGD testing and other related treatments.
TEBMED Tourism as a prominent and reliable medical facilitating company is providing couples with the cheapest IVF+PGD packages including all the procedure details (A to Z). To have a quality, smooth, and stress-free treatment, we recommend couples commence their infertility treatment and start PGD testing in Iran through our company.
For more information on our services and customized PGD packages, please contact us via WhatsApp

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Cost of PGD in the World in 2023

The cost of PGD testing in the world is different from one region to another, from one country to another, and even from one state/province to another. Depending on their respective service delivery and other related complementarians.  

It’s indisputable that medical treatment in European and American regions is far more expensive compared to the Asian medical market. However, it does not mean that if a country or a specific hospital provides potential couples with reasonable treatment and competitive prices and packages the quality of their treatment and service delivery is compromised. Though, it means that they have entered the infertility treatment market very competitively with a lower profit rate.

There are other reasons behind the competitiveness of medical treatment in the Asian region, that are lower wages, lower administrative costs, inexpensive medicines, the existence of simple rules for infertility treatment, and many more.

Let’s have a look at the very common cost of PGD in the world in 2023. It’s worth mentioning that pre-treatment consultations, pre-operative check-ups, post-operative consultations and follow-ups, IVF stimulation medications, and other related supplementary medicines for a full round of IVF + PGD + embryo transfer, etc. costs are not included.


Average PGD Cost in 2023


€3,500 – €5,000


€2,500 – €2,800

Czech Republic

€2,500 – €3,000

North Cyprus

€3,000 – €5,000


€3,000 – €4,500


€2,000 – €2,500


€4,500 – €5,000


€2,500 – €4,500


€3,000 – €4,500


€3,300 – €4,500

United Kingdom

£1,800 – £3,000


$2,500 – $6,000


$5,000 – $16,000


$3000 – $5000 including IVF

  1. The cost of PGD in Spain

The average cost to undergo PGD testing in Spain is between 3,500 and 5,000 EUR for 4 embryos tested (including the embryo biopsy). It’s to be mentioned that some legal limitations do not allow couples to perform PGD testing if they are above the age of 50.

  1. The cost of PGD in Portugal

In Portugal, the PGD cost is around 3,000 EUR figure and this cost will include the embryo biopsy with up to four embryos. However, stimulation medicines, some consultations, and some checkups and ultrasounds are not included in the above package price.

  1. The cost of PGD in Czech Republic

The PGD testing is widely available across the Czech Republic at a range between 2,500 EUR and 3,000 EUR and tends to cover both biopsy and up to four embryos. Other supplementary medicines and checkups are not included in the package. The country is known as one of the top destinations in Europe for PGD.

  1. The cost of PGD in North Cyprus

PGD testing in North Cyprus is extensively available at around 3,000 –5000 EUR. Medications and checkups are not covered by these prices and will be charged separately. The PGD testing is usually done at an external genetic laboratory. North Cyprus has 17 clinics that provide the test.

  1. The cost of PGD in Greece

PGD testing can be performed by the majority of clinics and the testing is invariably done by external laboratories. Prices are slightly below the European average of 3,000 to 4,500 EUR in most cases. The medication, checkups, and other supplementary consultations are not covered in the package.

  1. The cost of PGD in Denmark

There is limited access to PGD testing in Denmark and it’s very expensive, therefore, where available the PGD testing is carried out through an external genetic laboratory.

  1. The cost of PGD in Latvia

PGD testing is only offered at one private genetic center in Latvia which costs around 5,000 EUR and above.

  1. The cost of PGD in Poland

Like other European countries, PGD testing is offered to couples without performing sex selection. The average cost is competitive at around 4,500 EUR. Stimulation medicines and checkups are not included in the package.

  1. The cost of PGD in Ukraine

Undergoing PGD testing in Ukraine is possible and it can be performed in many cities. PGD testing costs an average of 4,500 EUR. Excluding all related medications and checkups.

  1. The cost of PGD in Russia

The price of PGD testing in Russia is between 3,300 to 4,500 EUR. Depending on the hospital services.

  1. The cost of PGD in United Kingdom

PGD testing is available in the UK and can be performed through private and public infertility clinics the cost of PGD in the UK is around $5000, some eligibility criteria can be applied to the patients.

  1. The cost of PGD in Mexico

PGD Cost in Mexico is between $2500 and $5000 which is comparatively cheaper than the USA, however, it’s still higher compared to Asian countries such as Iran.

  1. The cost of PGD in USA

The USA is the most expensive destination to perform PGD testing. The PGD cost in the USA is between $5000 and $16000. It’s to be mentioned that couples cannot go for sex selection in the USA.

  1. The cost of PGD in Canada

PGD cost in Canada is relatively the same as in the USA and the same legal limitations for gender selection are applied to everyone.

  1. The cost of PGD in India

The average cost of IVF + PGD in India is around $5000, but cannot be performed to determine sex selection. The cost can cover an IVF cycle or a specific number of embryos.

Below figure shows only the average IVF treatment with own eggs cost in Europe, so if you undergo PGD testing there will be a considerable increase in the cost of IVF + PGD in the European countries.

cost of PGD country by country

Cost of PGD in Iran in 2023

Iran is the cheapest country for PGD in the world, because of the devaluation of its currency against other international currencies, principally against the US, the PGD cost alongside other infertility treatments is attractive. The cost of PGD in Iran is now between $6000 and $7500 depending on the type and the approach of treatment. The cost of PGD differs from one hospital to another and from one clinic to another. It depends on the packages, service delivery, and commitment and reliability of the healthcare facilitator company for treating a patient.

TEBMED Tourism as a healthcare-facilitating company has served its international patients for more than half a decade and it is still committed to the quality, affordability, and satisfaction of the patient and struggles toward improving its services and spreading them all over the world.

Therefore, TEBMED Tourism has come up with a competitive and customized IVF and PGD package that cost $6000 only, including pre-treatment consultations, pre-operative check-ups, post-operative consultations and follow-ups, post-treatment consultations, IVF stimulation medications, and other related supplementary medicines for a full round of IVF + PGD + embryo transfer, etc. the non-medical packages are different and will be charged separately.

Throughout our career in this sector, we have served hundreds of patients and couples from around the world with integrity and reliability. Besides, our success rates show our commitment to quality treatment. Our success rate claims are evidence-based, keeping our patients’ and potential couples’ confidentiality and privacy in mind, we have published our success rate proofs on our website to validate our claim.

For more information and consultation with our specialist, please feel free to book a free appointment via WhatsApp at +989120985010 or send us an email at [email protected] or visit our website at www.tebmedtourism.com

Following is the fluctuation and devaluation of the Iranian currency against the USD from Jan 2020 to Feb 2023.

Following is the fluctuation and devaluation of the Iranian currency against the USD from Jan 2020 to Feb 2023.

Cost of PGD in the World

Following is the fluctuation and devaluation of Iranian currency against the USD between Jan 2023 and February 2023

Cost of PGD in the World

The below graph shows the fluctuation and devaluation of the Iranian currency against the Euro between Jan 2023 and Feb 2023.

Cost of PGD in the World

The below graph shows the fluctuation and devaluation of the Iranian currency against the Indian Rupees between Jan 2023 to Feb 2023.Cost of PGD in the World in 2023

Why shall I undergo PGD in Iran?

Iran is considered one of the best and cheapest countries for PGD and other infertility treatments in the region and beyond.

Iran has an outstanding capacity in the field of infertility treatment, particularly in performing PGD testing. From well-equipped hospitals and clinics to highly skilled infertility specialists and embryologists are the advantages that most international patients choose Iran as their infertility treatment destination. The quality of treatment and service delivery of Iranian infertility centers is proved by the success rates they have achieved throughout their career.

Comprehensive PGD testing packages with lower costs can be one of the major plus points that international patients look for. Due to the devaluation of the Iranian currency against the international currencies, particularly against the USD, all infertility packages are provided at the lowest price compared to international prices.

Iran is located in the center of Asia which makes it an easy and inexpensive destination that can be easily accessed via air, road, train, and ship with reasonable fares for international patients to undergo PGD testing and other infertility treatments.

From the legal perspective, despite being an Islamic country, Iran is considered a legally open and friendly destination for legally married couples that allows all types of infertility treatments such as PGD, gender selection, surrogacy, egg donation, and embryo donation.

It’s undeniable that traveling abroad for PGD testing and infertility treatment requires peace of mind and physical and mental security. Therefore, Iran is the safest destination in the region to undergo PGD testing and infertility treatment with an astonishing environment and friendly atmosphere. Iranians are friendly and hospitable people and very much welcome foreigners in each part of Iran.

Non-medical cost in Iran is amazingly cheap and is considered one of the cheapest countries in the world. Accommodation, hotel rates, and restaurants are serving international patients and visitors with higher quality and hospitality.

Besides, Iran is well-known for its history and historic places where couples can spend their extra time visiting these beautiful landscapes and enjoying Iranian dishes.


Health is precious, but saving money in such a sluggish global economy and financial distress also matters. Thus, based on that couples decide where to go to get cost-effective PGD testing.

Therefore, we are concluding that Iran is currently considered the cheapest country for PGD in the world compared to all healthcare markets that offer PGD testing.

TEBMED Tourism is the leading healthcare-facilitating company in the field of infertility treatment, particularly in offering the cheapest PGD testing in Iran. TEBMED Tourism is the most reliable, with highly skilled and experienced specialists and consultants, facilitating PGD testing in partnership with prominent and well-known hospitals and clinics under the supervision of highly skilled and experienced specialists. Our goal is to facilitate our international patients’ treatment as per their desire and make their fertility dream come true. We have rich experience serving international patients for more than a half decade with an amazing success rate.

If you are concerned about planning your infertility treatment and undergoing PGD testing, please book a free appointment with our infertility consultant to assist you with the best treatment plan out of the available options via WhatsApp at +989898989898 or send us an email at www.tebmedtourism.com.

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