Hollywood smile and tooth shade

How can I get a Hollywood smile with tooth shade?

Hollywood smile and tooth shade

These days, with increasing in knowledge and awareness about the teeth, people understand the importance of teeth role in a beautiful appearance. Most people care to achieve Hollywood smile or celebrities smile. But unfortunately, most person think that Hollywood smile is limited to teeth whiting whiles the teeth whiting is just one of the methods that is used for the Hollywood smile. Hollywood smile doesn’t just mean to have shiny and bright teeth but it means also you have raw and healthy teeth. Sometimes we observe people don’t care about their health and dental hygiene and it causes to caries and broken teeth. Therefore, prior any action, you have to cure any teeth problem.


What is the tooth shade?

The tooth shade is called to a group of medical procedures that has used with the aim of preserving its integrity and restoring its function in the process of chewing, articulation, size and beauty of appearance. And the tooth or artificial molar called Crown is a cover made of different materials, similar to the patient’s tooth in shape and color as it covers the visible part of a tooth completely.

When do dentists and patients use the tooth shade?

Usually, the dentists use this method when spots and caries appear on your teeth and the dentists use it with the aim of contributing beautiful appearance and restoring its function correctly.

We are planning to point the main important reasons that cause to choose this method for patient’s treatment:

Hollywood smile and tooth shade

1- Sometimes people don’t care their dental health and hygiene and don’t visit the dental clinics regular. For these reasons their teeth get ruined and they are not cured by simple filling. So the dentist preserves the dental health from broken and spots by this method.

2- After the implant surgery with aim of covering and preserving of the implanted teeth.

3- For the cosmetic goals:

Sometimes the patient is suffering from teeth Curvature and asymmetry in terms of size. In this condition the dentist prefers to choose this method to restore the beauty and dental order.

Types of the tooth shade

Actually the types of tooth shade are called by the name of the materials that are used in making tooth tissue. So the tooth shade is divided into four types that we are explaining them:

Hollywood smile and tooth shade

1- Metal fixtures:

This type is usually made of metallic materials that do not rust, such as gold, silver and other metallic materials, with some advantages and disadvantages of this type. Most patients do not want this type because it does not give a beautiful appearance due to the difference in color with normal teeth, but this type is cheaper compared to other types, and it has a high degree of resistance during the chewing process.

2- Molded ceramic fittings:

This method is more popular among people, especially young men and women, despite its high cost because it is made of porcelain and ceramic, which is more in harmonic with the gums compared to the metal type.

3- Zircon dental fixtures:

Zircon teeth are made of porcelain and other materials that harden zircon. For this reason, zircon teeth are worn or installed more solid and more integrated with gum tissue, despite their high prices, and this type is a better option and less weight compared to ceramic fixtures. It also gives a more beautiful appearance to the patient.

4- Resin Denture Fixtures:

This type of tooth does not notice any minerals involved in the manufacture of this composition, however, it is considered the most resistant prosthetic tooth to erosion and is more compatible with gum tissue. The process of making this type is faster compared to other formulations, and it is more similar in shape and color to natural teeth.

Hollywood smile and tooth shade

Disadvantages and side effects of tooth shade

As other cosmetic operations, there might be some complications and side effects that accompany dental implantation. We refer to the most important of them as follows:

  • Tooth sensitivity:

In all types of dental prosthesis, the dentist carves the teeth and performs the process of covering them and this may leads to the sensitivity of the teeth to cold and hot foods and drinks. Therefore, you must take care of your teeth after this procedure in front of the heat and cold, and clean them with a special toothpaste and brush.

  • Discoloration:

When the dentist installs the teeth, we sometimes notice an inconsistency in the color of the new veneers with the adjacent teeth, and even that may lead to damage and the formation of some stains on the adjacent teeth.

  • Inflammation of the gums and a feeling of pain:

As we explained previously, all artificial teeth are made up of synthetic materials, metallic or non-metallic, and this leads to a certain period of time for these materials to adapt to the gum tissue, during which inflammation and a feeling of pain in the teeth are normal. For this reason, the patient must go to the dentist’s office after the dental procedure, so that the dentist examines the gums and teeth, and if there is some inflammation, the dentist prescribes some antibiotics and analgesics to reduce inflammation and pain.

Tooth shade in Iran

Iran has the best dental clinics and specialized teams of experienced and skilled dentists. Therefore, you can find the best services for your dental procedure in Iran. The cost of dental prosthesis depends on the type of tooth shade that your dentist chooses for you and the experience of your dentist and the equipment of the clinic which you perform this operation in it. Nevertheless, we can definitely announce that Iran is characterized by more reasonable prices compared to the prices of neighboring and Eastern countries in the field of dental prosthesis and cosmetic dentistry.

Hollywood Smile cost in Iran at TebMedTourism company

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Dental Implant

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Porcelain veneers

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  • Airport Pick up/Drop off

Composite veneers

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  • Airport Pick up/Drop off

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