
How long should stay in Iran for infertility treatments(IVF)?

September 16, 2024 Update date

Before starting about duration of staying in Iran, it is recommended to know about What is IVF? As you know, infertility is one of the biggest problems of couples. Fortunately, Iran has progressive methods for infertility treatment.Infertility treatment in Iran is done with different and advanced methods. These include IVF, embryo sex selection, egg donation and surrogacy.

IVF or in vitro fertilization is an assisted reproductive treatment method in which sperm and eggs are combined in a laboratory.The embryo or embryos obtained by this method are then transferred into the uterus. IVF is one of the most widely used methods of infertility treatment.

Many people who want to have children with these methods travel to other countries for treatment. There are several reasons for this. Having twins with IVF, is one the reasons attracting people to this method.

For example, surrogacy is prohibited in some countries, and citizens are not allowed to perform the procedure or hire a surrogate mother in their own country. That is why they go to other countries.Thorough examinations and tests are required to perform any of these procedures. Infertility treatments are complex medical procedures.


As a result, candidates for IVF or other treatments must be in constant contact with the medical team of the destination country some time before the procedure begins and travel to the destination country after the initial stages.

An IVF course typically takes about four to six weeks from start to finish. Of course, this time is only for the medical procedure.This is an average number. The duration of IVF varies in different medical centers. But with the initial tests, medical advice, treatment, and duration of the treatment process, it takes longer.

However, there are different types of IVF and infertility treatments, some of them are vary in duration. Some can be done faster and some take longer.

There are different types of IVF. Although they all lead to fertility, the path and method of each can be different.

Similarly, the length of stay in Iran for couples coming from other countries varies depending on the method of their choice. Follow this article to see how long it takes to stay in Iran for each treatment method.


How long should I stay in Iran for IVF and embryo transfer? (IVF+ET)

If your desired IVF service is embryo transfer, you need about 21 to 28 days to stay in Iran. In this method, after IVF and embryo formation, the new embryo is transferred to the uterus.

21-28 Days in Iran

But since IVF is a multifaceted treatment and requires medication before transfer, the length of your stay depends on whether you start medication in your own country or want to complete the entire process in Iran. 21 to 28 days is the amount required for the whole process.

15-21 Days in Iran

If you start drug treatment in your own country and come to Iran only to perform the implantation and transfer process, it will take between 15 to 21 days.

Time to start infertility treatment

After medical consultation and a definite decision to have IVF, the time to start medication is from the first to the third day of menstrual.

How long should I stay in Iran for IVF and gender selection? (IVF+PGD)

For both IVF with gender selection and IVF along with genetic testing for PGD and embryo transfer you will need medication. The duration of these two methods is the same.

15-21 Days Iran will be your host

If you start taking the drug before coming to Iran, the length of stay will obviously be shorter. You need to stay for 15 to 21 days in Iran when starting treatment in your own country.

21-28 Days Iran will be your host

But if you want to start the whole process and take medicine in Iran, you need to be in Iran for 21 to 28 days.

Time to start infertility treatment

For IVF with gender selection or genetic testing (PGD), the time to start taking the drug is the first to third day of menstrual cycle.

How long should I stay in Iran for IVF and egg donation? (IVF+EGG DONATION)

21-28 Days in Iran

The complete process of IVF and egg donation in Iran takes 21 to 28 days.

7-14 days in Iran

If you start drug treatment in your own country, 7 to 14 days of staying in Iran is enough.

How long should I stay in Iran for egg retrieval and egg freezing?

If the service you are looking for is egg retrieval and egg freezing, you will need 14 days in Iran for the full process. With the start of drug treatment before coming to Iran, this period is reduced to 7 to 10 days. The time to start taking medicine is from the first to the third day of the menstrual cycle.

How long should I stay in Iran for infertility treatment with IVF+ embryo freezing?

14-21 Days in Iran

For embryo freezing, you need to be in Iran for 14 to 21 days.

7-10 days in Iran

If you have already started taking the medicine, you will receive the services you want within 7 to 10 days of your stay in Iran.

Time to start infertility treatment

The time to start taking the drug is from the first to the third day of the menstrual cycle.

Staying time for IVF without embryo transfer

14-21 Days in Iran

IVF without embryo transfer means making the embryo with IVF and freezing it. You will stay in Iran for 14 to 21 days to receive this medical service.

7-10 days in Iran

If you have completed part of the treatment before coming to Iran, the procedure will be performed within 7 to 10 days. In this case, it is time to start taking the drug from the first to the third day of the menstrual cycle.

Sperm retrieval and sperm freezing

For sperm retrieval and freezing you do not need to stay in Iran for a long time. This process takes place in just one day. If medication is needed, the patient should not ejaculate for three to five days and then start taking the medication.

Staying time for IVF without embryo transfer

14-21 Days in Iran

IVF without embryo transfer means making the embryo with IVF and freezing it. You will stay in Iran for 14 to 21 days to receive this medical service.

7-10 days in Iran

If you have completed part of the treatment before coming to Iran, the procedure will be performed within 7 to 10 days. In this case, it is time to start taking the drug from the first to the third day of the menstrual cycle.

Sperm retrieval and sperm freezing

For sperm retrieval and freezing you do not need to stay in Iran for a long time. This process takes place in just one day. If medication is needed, the patient should not ejaculate for three to five days and then start taking the medication.

How long should I stay in Iran for infertility treatment with surrogacy(ART)?

To perform surrogacy, you need to travel to Iran twice. Once to start and to perform the process and second time to deliver the baby.

First trip, 14-28 days in Iran

On the first trip, your stay lasts between 14 to 28 days, during which time the egg is fertilized and implanted in the surrogate mother's womb, and ... 7 to 10 days is enough if you have already started taking the medicine. The time to start taking the drug is from the first to the third day of the menstrual cycle.

Second trip, 15-30 days in Iran

For the second trip, you will stay in Iran for 15 to 30 days. It depends on your country and the rules. During the pregnancy you don’t have to be in Iran.

How long should stay in Iran for surrogacy with donated egg?

First trip 14-21 days

For surrogacy with donated egg, you will have to travel twice. For the first time, you need to stay in Iran for 14 to 21 days. If you have already started taking the medicine, 3 to 7 days is enough and during this time your process will be done.

Second trip, 15-30 days in Iran

For the second trip, which is after delivery and for the delivery of the baby, you need to stay for 15 to 30 days, depending on the country where you live. Since the intended parents no longer has a biological role after the onset of pregnancy, the drug treatment is naturally limited to the first trip. Special treatment or medication for the second trip does not required. During the pregnancy you don’t have to be in Iran. But for the second trip there are some things to consider.

Limitations of the second trip

The laws of your country and destination may restrict long flight for newborns. Not all babies can travel long distances by air. Therefore, for the second trip, consider the distance between the two countries, the baby's age and visa issues.

One of the most popular suggestions supported by anecdotal information is to make your body more alkaline.

This unproven remedy suggests that people with a more alkaline (high pH) environment are more likely to conceive a boy. This method recommends:

  • increasing the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables
  • increasing the intake of foods that contain potassium, such as bananas, salmon, avocados
  • increasing foods with high alkalinity, such as citrus fruits, root vegetables, nuts
  • avoiding dairy products

Chromosomes determine the biological sex of a person. Females have two X chromosomes and males have one X and one Y chromosome. During conception, sperm will contribute either an X or a Y chromosome.

Many of the studies on this topic were performed on other mammals such as cows or rats so far. Correspondingly there are few referable facts and even these facts don’t work in all cases.

Before we can certainly say and determine what kinds of food result in girls and what kinds in boys, more human research is needed.A study from 2008 analyzed the diet of 740 women and found that mothers who consumed higher calories tended to have boys.

The serviceStaying time in Iran for the whole processStaying time with drug treatment in your countryTime to start the medicine
IVF and embryo transfer15-21 days21-28 daysFirst to third day of menstrual cycle
IVF and gender selection21-28 days15-21 daysFirst to third day of menstrual cycle
IVF and PGD and embryo transfer21-28 days15-21 daysFirst to third day of menstrual cycle
IVF and egg donation21-28 days7-14 daysFirst to third day of menstrual cycle
IVF without embryo transfer14-21 days7-10 daysFirst to third day of menstrual cycle
IVF and freezing embryo14-21 days7-10 daysFirst to third day of menstrual cycle
Egg retrieval and egg freezing14 days7-10 daysFirst to third day of menstrual cycle
SurrogacyFirst trip: 14-28 days7-10 daysFirst to third day of menstrual cycle
SurrogacySecond trip for delivery: 15-30 days15-30 days depending on country’s lawFirst to third day of menstrual cycle
Surrogacy with egg donationFirst trip: 14-21 days3-7 days-
Surrogacy with egg donationSecond trip for delivery: 15-30 days15-30 days depending on country’s law-
Sperm retrieval and sperm freezingOne dayOne day3-5 days without ejaculation

You may like to read : All about Surrogacy in Iran

infertility treatments

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