
IVF ET Process

September 16, 2024 Update date
Welcoming new children via IVF procedure has its own unique challenge. IVF or in vitro fertilization is not a simple and easy reproduction method; on the opposite end of the spectrum, it's so complicated and time-consuming! Overall, the IVF process has some steps; Embryo Transfer or ET, is the final step of in vitro fertilization. No matter how well the IVF laboratory culture environment is set up, a poorly executed embryo transfer by the fertility doctor might sabotage everything. The embryos must be carefully positioned in the center of the endometrial cavity with the least amount of stress and manipulation. Absolutely ignoring the key role of proper Embryo Transfer (ET) in the success rate of the IVF procedure is impossible. To achieve the best result in the IVF Embryo Transfer process, fertility doctors will utilize ultrasound during ET. After reading this article on TebMedtourism, all questions about Embryo Transfer that might occupy your mind, including:
  • What happens after Embryo Transfer in IVF?
  • On which day Embryo Transfer (ET) is done in IVF?
  • What is the IVF process step by step?
  • What to do after embryo transfer (ET) to increase success.
  • what vitamins should I take before embryo transfer (ET) etc.
will be answered.  There are some special considerations that the intended parents should consider of them. The post-Embryo Transfer guideline that the fertility specialist expects you to do carefully to reach the best conclusion is here. Read this article to the end.


Who are the best candidate for IVF ET process?

IVF and embryo transfer (ET) are required when natural fertilization is not available or is difficult to occur. Transferring embryos is done for various reasons, including:
  • Ovulation disorders
  • Fallopian tube damage
  • Endometriosis
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Genetic defects
  • Gender selection
Anyone with one of the mentioned diagnoses may think of IVF ET as a miracle solution.

  What is the IVF ET process step by step?

If you decide to go through the IVF journey to grow your family, being informed of each step of IVF procedure will assist you to have a clear understanding of what to expect. On the first day of your period, an IVF treatment cycle begins, and it ends approximately four weeks later with a pregnancy blood test.

  What is the IVF ET process step by step ?

Step 1: Day 1 of your period

The first day of your period is Day 1 of your IVF treatment cycle. Each person's body is unique, and your fertility specialist will assist you in learning how to recognize Day 1.

Step 2: Stimulating ovary

Your ovaries would typically create one egg during a typical monthly cycle. You will take medicine for 10 to 14 days throughout an IVF cycle to stimulate the growth of new good quality eggs. Medications start from the 2nd day of your cycle.

Step 3: Egg retrieval or Egg pick up (EPU)

Your fertility doctor will remove the eggs from your ovaries during the egg retrieval, which is a hospital day procedure.

Step 4: Sperm collection and preparation

The male will provide a sperm sample on the morning of the egg retrieval if you and your partner are going to use fresh sperm.

Step 5: Fertilization

In a lab environment, matured good quality eggs are fertilized with sperms to make embryos.

Step 6: Embryo development and embryo transfer

Ideal fertilization should take place 17 hours after the sperm and egg are combined, starting the process of embryo development. The next stage, known as an "embryo transfer" or “ET” is to place the developed 3 to 5 days’ embryo(s) in the intended mother's uterus.

Step 7: Pregnancy blood test

You will get a blood test to determine your hCG hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin) levels two weeks following your embryo transfer and repeat after 2 days (on 16th days from ET) if the first pregnancy test is positive. Total IVF and embryo transfer till pregnancy test result take around 28 to 33 days.

On which day ET is done in IVF?

Embryos will be placed directly into the woman's uterus when they are at a specific stage of development in the hopes that they will implant and lead to pregnancy. Day 3 or 5 of embryo development might be used for embryo transfer. An embryo implants when it adheres to the uterine wall through the endometrial lining. In IVF, it happens 1 to 5 days after IVF ET and between 6 to 10 days after the egg retrieval procedure. This corresponds to 20-24th day of a 28-day menstrual cycle.

What happens after ET in IVF?

In IVF ET process, after Embryo Transfer (ET), the blastocyst starts to emerge from its protective shell. A cluster of dividing cells called a blastocyst is produced by a fertilized egg. It's an embryo in its early stages. Then the blastocyst is still emerging from its shell and starting to adhere to the uterus. Eventually, the blastocyst connects more deeply to the uterine lining and continues for more implantations. To answer such essential questions, including:
  • How can I increase my chances of successful embryo transfer?
  • What activities can you do after embryo transfer?
  • What are the dos and don’ts after embryo transfer?
  • What should I avoid after embryo transfer?
the following post is your best guide.

Post embryo transfer guidelines | Tips for embryo implantation success after ET

Since a successful pregnancy is the intended parents' and fertility professionals' goal, TebMedtourism, in this post, has prepared a general guideline that should be considered after embryo transfer or ET. Welcoming to a new child via the pricy and complicated IVF journey is not simple. The intended parents, especially the mother, should be exact and careful. They shouldn't make a casual approach( cheapest country for ivf )Therefore, following this instruction is essential if you want the most incredible outcome in your IVF ET process!

Things you should do after IVF ET process

After Embryo Transfer, the fertility specialists expect you to undertake the following activities:
  1. Love yourself a lot!

You just finished surgery, and such a miracle can change your life. Now, this is the time to indulge yourself in the whole self-care. Give yourself a few days to relax. According to some specialists, skip the intense workouts and stay at home. Do not complain! You can spend some of your time lying down or taking bed rest. Only avoid stress!
  1. Continue to take your prescribed drugs

It can be tempting to stop taking medicine before your embryo transfer, but you should certainly avoid doing that without consulting your doctor. To give their pregnancy the best chance of continuing, many women must take progesterone in the first several weeks following the transfer. Because progesterone is a vital hormone for maintaining pregnancy, it is frequently used in assisted reproductive techniques (ART) like the IVF ET process. It aids in the embryo's implantation (and maintenance) in the uterus.
  1. Don't forget the healthy diet and daily acid folic

The benefits of a balanced, healthy and nutritious diet for conception and pregnancy are supported by many evidences. A woman wanting to get pregnant should, in general, consume a diet appropriate for pregnancy, which includes plenty of fruit and vegetables, along with healthy quantities of fiber, complex carbs, and protein. Like during pregnancy, stay away from high-risk foods like unpasteurized cheeses and seafood like marlin and shark that are thought to contain heavy metals. Heavy metals can destroy your dreams! Does folic acid help embryo implantation? The answer to this question is an absolute yes. By creating a favorable environment for blastocyst, successful implantation and healthy pregnancy will be expected, and studies show that FA has a vital role in successful implantation.

Things you shouldn’t do after IVF ET process

To avoid failure in the IVF ET process, there are some considerations as the following:
  1. Sexual activities

Research indicates that it's beneficial not to have sex in first and last few weeks. Why? The embryo that was just implanted into your body may be damaged by uterine contractions brought on by sexual activity. In the worst situation, it may stop the embryo from implanting in your uterus or cause a miscarriage.
  1. Quickly take a pregnancy test.

It will be really tempting to take a pregnancy test quickly after the IVF ET process. From the day after transfer, it may take up to 1-2 weeks before the placenta cells begin to produce enough of the hormone known as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) for a blood test to pick it up. So be patient!

What is ET test in IVF?

There are some mechanical issues in the IVF ET process, including choosing the best catheter for ET and properly evaluating the length and the uterine cavity direction. Therefore, mock embryo transfer and ultrasound will be used to minimize the risks that an actual IVF ET process could happen and boost the pregnancy rate. A Mock Embryo Transfer or MET as a "trial run" will help the doctors to decide where and how to insert the embryo into the uterus best location. A simulated transfer can help and guarantee that there are no issues for the doctor to deal with during the actual transfer process. According to some theories, mock embryo transfer could increase the success rate of IVF. However, research shows that there isn't any remarkable rising in IVF success rate in women without any risk factors! tebmedtourism contact us
IVF ET Process

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