
IVF gender selection 2024

leila Nazari article author
Dr. Ali Bazazi Medical approver
September 13, 2024 Update date
If you want to select the gender of your child before the child born, IVF Gender selection is the best method, which you should do. IVF, or in-vitro fertilization, has opened up new possibilities for couples and individuals to choose the sex of their offspring through techniques like Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD). With gender selection, you can exactly select gender of your child with high accuracy and having the baby with gender, which you like! This article will explore the intricacies of IVF gender selection, its pros and cons, success rates, risks, and the overall process. Additionally, we’ll touch on the ethical and societal considerations surrounding this practice. While IVF gender selection offers significant benefits for some, it also raises important questions that deserve careful consideration. Join us as we navigate the fascinating world of IVF gender selection, shedding light on the science, the choices, and the implications for individuals and families. Sex vs Gender : Gender and sex are not interchangeable terms. Sex pertains to the reproductive organs that a baby is born with, while gender pertains to a child’s gender expression, which may or may not align with their biological sex. It is not possible to select the gender of your baby. Because this term is wrongly known as gender selection, wherever gender selection is used in this article, it means sex selection.

What is IVF Gender Selection?

IVF gender selection refers to techniques used after in-vitro fertilization (IVF) to choose the sex of an embryo before implantation into the uterus. This is typically achieved through Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), where embryos are screened for their chromosomal makeup. Sex selection is feasible because males and females possess diverse combinations of sex chromosomes. Females possess a pair of XX chromosomes, while males have an XY chromosome configuration. The ability to selectively opt for sperm carrying a desired X or Y chromosome, or embryos with either XX or XY chromosome pairs, empowers individuals to determine the sex of their offspring. Parents may opt for gender selection for various reasons, including family balancing, cultural preferences, or to avoid sex-linked genetic disorders. While the procedure has a high accuracy rate, it’s not 100% guaranteed. So, you may also have this question in your mind that, can you pick the gender with IVF? Thus, we can say, yes to you!

Can you pick baby gender with IVF ?

Although, in natural conception, the gender of a child is determined purely by chance, with an approximately equal probability of conceiving a boy or a girl, with IVF gender selection couples can select the gender of their child. It doesn’t matter if you are infertile or not; This path will help you to have your child with your favorite gender. While gender selection is possible in IVF, it’s important to note that the majority of couples do not opt for this procedure. In this process, several egg will be retrieved from female and in the laboratory procedure, fertilize with sperms. After checking the gender of the embryos, the parents choose whether the gender of the desired child is a girl or a boy! After this gender selection, the embryo is transferred to the mother’s body. During IVF, the selection of the embryo for transfer into the uterus is generally based on its quality and viability, and the gender, which couples want. Consequently, IVF gender selection does impact the chances of having a boy or a girl. The sex of the baby is determined by the type of sperm that fertilizes the egg. If an X-carrying sperm fertilizes the egg, it results in a girl (XX), whereas if a Y-carrying sperm fertilizes the egg, it leads to a boy (XY).

IVF Gender Selection Process

IVF gender selection, can used for fertile and infertile couples to select the gender of your child. First of all, fertility specialist will analyze your fertility, then IVF gender selection will be done.
  • Ovulation Stimulation: The process begins with the administration of fertility drugs to stimulate the ovaries, causing them to produce multiple eggs.
  • Egg Retrieval: Once the eggs are mature, they are retrieved from the ovaries through a minor surgical procedure.
  • Sperm Collection: On the same day as egg retrieval, a sperm sample is collected from the male partner or a sperm donor.
  • Fertilization: The eggs and sperm are combined in a laboratory dish, and fertilization takes place.
  • Embryo Development: The fertilized eggs are monitored as they develop into embryos.
  • Gender Selection: After the development of the embryos, and checking their gender, according to the couple’s interest, the embryo with their desired gender is ready for the next stage (embryo transfer).In TebMedTourism, it is possible to freeze other embryos so that you can benefit from them for later use.
  • Embryo Transfer: One or more healthy embryos are selected and transferred into the woman’s uterus.
  • Pregnancy Test: A pregnancy test is conducted to determine if implantation was successful.

IVF Gender Selection Success Rates

If you want to know what is the success rate of IVF for Gender selection? you should know there are several factors are effective in determining its success rate, which include:
  • Age of the Woman: One of the most significant factors influencing the success of gender selection through IVF is the age of the woman. Younger women typically have a higher success rate because they tend to produce healthier eggs.
  • Quality of Embryos: The quality of embryos plays a vital role. Healthier embryos are more likely to result in a successful pregnancy. This aspect is especially crucial in gender selection cases.
  • Expertise of the IVF Clinic: Choosing the right IVF clinic with experienced professionals can greatly impact the success rate. Reputable clinics tend to have higher success rates due to their expertise and advanced technology.
  • Genetic Testing: Many couples opt for preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) to ensure the gender of the embryo. This process can increase the accuracy of gender selection.
In TebMedTourism, the average success rate of IVF gender selection, is about 97% to 99%, which is much more than the global average! This high success rate is due to the precision of genetic testing and the careful selection of embryos by our infertility specialists.

How Accurate is IVF Gender Selection?

The accuracy of Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) for gender selection is incredibly impressive. When performed by experienced experts in a carefully controlled laboratory environment, it can produce results with an accuracy rate of about 99% for male embryo and 97% for female embryo. While PGT is highly accurate, several factors can influence its results:
  1. Laboratory Expertise: The proficiency of the laboratory conducting the test plays a pivotal role in accuracy.
  2. Timing: The timing of the biopsy is crucial, as the accuracy increases with the development of the embryo.
  3. Sample Quality: A high-quality embryonic sample is essential for precise results and this is based on laboratory expertise in IVF procedure and embryo sampling.
  4. Technical Advances: Advancements in genetic testing techniques continue to improve accuracy. Nowadays, most of the infertility clinics doing low accuracy test for PGT, such as FISH. In TebMedTourism, we are doing the most accurate gender selection technique, Molecular Test, for increasing this accuracy!TebMedTourism, by doing Molecular Test, sex-related diseases can be predicted in the embryo, beside gender selection. By this approach, you can kill two birds with one stone, with the same cost as FISH technique!

IVF gender selection pros and cons:

IVF gender selection pros and cons Selecting the gender of a child is either elective or mandatory due to medical reasons. In any case, IVF gender selection has some advantages and disadvantages that every couple should know about. So, read this topic now:

The Pros of IVF Gender Selection

  1. Family Balancing: One of the primary advantages of IVF gender selection is the ability to achieve family balancing. Couples who already have children of one gender may desire a child of the opposite gender to create a more balanced family dynamic. This option allows them to make choices that align with their family goals and preferences.
  2. Genetic Disease Prevention: In most infertility treatment clinics, IVF gender selection is done just for gender selection! In TebMedTourism, IVF gender selection can be a lifeline for couples with a history of genetic disorders that are gender-specific. By selecting the gender of their child, these couples can reduce the risk of passing on such conditions to their offspring, ensuring a healthier start in life.
  3. High accuracy: Although the global average accuracy rate of IVF gender selection is about 90 – 99%, in TebMedTourism, the average accuracy of IVF gender selection is 97 to 99%!
  4. Peace of Mind: For parents who have experienced gender-related medical issues with previous pregnancies, IVF gender selection can provide peace of mind. Knowing the gender of their child in advance can enable them to make informed decisions about medical care and preparations.
  5. Family Tradition and Cultural Considerations: In some cultures, and families, there may be strong preferences for children of a particular gender due to cultural or traditional beliefs. IVF gender selection allows couples to honor these traditions and values.

The Cons of IVF Gender Selection

  • Gender Imbalance: There are concerns that widespread use of IVF gender selection could lead to gender imbalances in society. If a significant number of couples choose one gender over the other, it could disrupt the natural gender ratio.
  • Access and Cost: IVF gender selection is not accessible to everyone, primarily due to its cost. The expense involved in the procedure can create socio-economic disparities, limiting access to those with higher financial means. You should know, with TebMedTourism, the cost of IVF PGD is as low as you may think! It’s just about 6,000 $. If you want to do this procedure with other country such as USA, you should pay about 30,000 $. Decision is yours!
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