
IVF+PGD in Iran

leila Nazari article author
Dr. Ali Bazazi Medical approver
September 13, 2024 Update date
PGD, or preimplantation genetic diagnosis, is a technical method to conquer failed pregnancy attempts, miscarriages and embryos with disorders; it began to develop in 1990. So PGD concept is not a new one. Such an embryo screening is alongside regular IVF treatment. This means the embryo produced via IVF (In vitro fertilization), by combining the egg and the sperm of the intended parents, will be monitored in the PGD procedure. Many types of research, facts and data express the PGD method's effectiveness and accuracy. On the other hand, to find monogenic variants or aneuploidies on all 24 chromosomes, PGD by NGS is now accessible by any lab or expertise with integrated and high-tech analysis tools. You can see in this article of TebMedTourism, how PGD could create a clear vision of happy life for the parents with the dream of having a healthy baby without any chromosomal and genetic disorders. TebMedTourism, a healthcare facilitator company in IRAN, advises reading this post as an ultimate guide to PGD and describing how PGD increases the likelihood of a successful pregnancy. Studying this post about IVF PGD in IRAN will help you overcome all your concerns with full data about IVF PGD along with gender selection in IRAN and etc. (This article has been updated on 11/05/2022) This article has been approved by the TebMedTourism medical team (Dr. Bazazi and & Dr. Mohammadzadeh).

Infertility treatment for known fertility issues

IVF+PGD in Iran: This first category of treatments is the only one that is not classified as assisted reproduction. These infertility treatments aim to treat an underlying problem so that pregnancy can occur naturally:
  • Surgery to clear a woman’s blocked fallopian tubes: this is done by laparoscopy, and involves only small incisions in the abdomen. Once the tubes are clear, the eggs produced by the ovaries can travel more easily towards the uterus, and a natural pregnancy may be possible.
  • Hormone treatment to redress an imbalance: this treatment can work well in either partner. Thyroid problems and an imbalance of sex hormones can be corrected by taking artificial hormones.
  • Correction of an anatomical abnormality: this can include treating a large varicose vein in the testicle that may be blocking sperm release, or correcting retrograde ejaculation (in which the semen goes into the bladder during an orgasm, instead of through the penis).
  • Surgical sperm retrieval: various surgical methods can be used to extract sperm directly from the testes in men who produce no sperm in their semen. This is generally regarded as being part of assisted reproduction, as the sperm is then used in a cycle of in vitro fertilization (IVF) with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). IVF+PGD in Iran

What is the relationship between IVF and PGD?

  “What is IVF PGD?”, “What is the differences between IVF and PGD?”; Many people who want to have a baby through IVF have questions of this nature on their minds. Only the smartest experts can solve these tricky detective riddles. Let it go to solve problems by finding the relationship between IVF and PGD! To reduce the probability of passing on inherited diseases, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), a laboratory procedure, is done in conjunction with in vitro fertilization (IVF). As a consequence, PGD is a special test that it will be ordered by intended parents due to diagnosing genetic disorders and gender selection, will be utilizing. With all this, it is worth noting that PGD could not diagnose all diseases with genetic origins similar to autism. Continue reading this TebMedTourism post to get access to all the information.

IVF + PGD cost in Iran at TebMedTourism company

IVF + Embryo Transfer
  • Treatment
  • Medical consultation
  • Post Treatment follow-up
  • Treatment
  • Medical consultation
  • Post Treatment follow-up
  • And more
IVF + Egg Donation
  • Treatment
  • Medical consultation
  • Post Treatment follow-up
IVF + PGD + Egg Donation
  • Treatment
  • Medical consultation
  • Post Treatment follow-up
 How much is IVF + PGD cost in Iran compared with IVF + PGD cost in other countries? Nowadays, medicine is a globalized and most issues like IVF + PGD can be treated in different parts of the world. However, every year many people go to Iran to receive IVF + PGD treatment there. Some important reasons for most patients are the high quality of the therapy and the significant role of costs compared to other countries. Generally, IVF + PGD cost in Iran is one fourth of IVF + PGD cost in other countries while the quality is compatible with countries such as the USA and Germany.
  • You can find the average cost of IVF + PGD in Turkey 110% higher than the cost of IVF + PGD in Iran.
  • You can find the average cost of IVF + PGD in Ukraine 160% higher than the cost of IVF + PGD in Iran.
  • You can find the average cost of IVF + PGD in India 120% higher than the cost of IVF + PGD in Iran.
  • You can find the average cost of IVF + PGD in Poland 150% higher than the cost of IVF + PGD in Iran.
  • You can find the average cost of IVF + PGD in Russia 175% higher than the cost of IVF + PGD in Iran.
  • You can find the average cost of IVF + PGD in Mexico 175% higher than the cost of IVF + PGD in Iran.
  • You can find the average cost of IVF + PGD in Greece 185% higher than the cost of IVF + PGD in Iran.
  • You can find the average cost of IVF + PGD in UK 380% higher than the cost of IVF + PGD in Iran.
  • You can find the average cost of IVF + PGD in Latvia 205% higher than the cost of IVF + PGD in Iran.
  • You can find the average cost of IVF + PGD in UAE 225% higher than the cost of IVF + PGD in Iran.
  • You can find the average cost of IVF + PGD in Thailand 215% higher than the cost of IVF + PGD in Iran.
  • You can find the average cost of IVF + PGD in Spain 250% higher than the cost of IVF + PGD in Iran.
  • You can find the average cost of IVF + PGD in USA 770% higher than the cost of IVF + PGD in Iran.
  • You can find the average cost of IVF + PGD in Singapore 240% higher than the cost of IVF + PGD in Iran.
  • You can find the average cost of IVF + PGD in Malaysia 290% higher than the cost of IVF + PGD in Iran.
  • You can find the average cost of IVF + PGD in Australia 490% higher than the cost of IVF + PGD in Iran.

In vitro fertilization – the most popular infertility treatment

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is now the most widely used infertility treatment in the world and has produced hundreds of thousands of new human beings, born to couples who would otherwise have been childless. Standard in vitro fertilization involves stimulating the production of several eggs, collecting those eggs and mixing them with the partner’s sperm in the laboratory. A high proportion of the eggs are fertilized and embryos are then transferred back into the female partner’s uterus either after 2–3 days or after 5–6 days. IVF+PGD in Iran
Different countries have different rules on the number of embryos that can be transferred; many are reducing this number to avoid the complication of multiple births.

Various IVF options are available:

  • Natural cycle IVF: no stimulating hormones are used, just the woman’s natural cycle.
  • Mild stimulation IVF: fewer hormones are used than in standard IVF.
  • In vitro maturation (IVM): eggs are collected in an immature form from the ovaries, which avoids the use of hormone stimulation but provides several eggs for IVF. The eggs are allowed to mature in culture before sperm is introduced to fertilize them.
  • IVF with fresh embryo transfer
  • IVF with frozen embryo transfer
  • IVF with blastocyst embryo transfer
  • IVF with assisted hatching (AH)this is done before transferring the embryo or blastocyst.
  In vitro fertilization (IVF) has now become a phrase in such common use that it is rare for anyone to talk about ‘test tube babies’ any more. Babies born as a result of in vitro fertilization are born after being fertilized outside the mother’s body. In vitro means literally ‘in glass’ but most IVF cycles take place in laboratory-grade plastic these days. IVF+PGD in Iran

The main process of in vitro fertilization

Procedures differ both between different countries, where regulations may not be the same, and between fertility clinics in the same country. There are also several types of in vitro fertilization that may increase success rates. The entire in vitro fertilization cycle takes about 25 days to complete, and it usually commences on the third day of a natural period. It involves:
  • Two weeks of hormone treatment for the female partner to stop her going through her own normal menstrual cycle, as this would interfere with the preparations for in vitro fertilization. This involves having a daily injection or a nose spray of a hormone that acts on the pituitary gland to stop it producing sex hormones.
  • Hormone treatment with follicle stimulating hormone: this stimulates the ovaries to produce several eggs at once so that several embryos can be produced from the in vitro fertilization. This involves an injection each day, for 12 days.
  • Constant monitoring using blood tests and ultrasound: it is vital to check on the stage of egg production so they can be collected at their best. A different injection is given to mature the eggs about 36 hours before egg collection.
  • Sperm collection: the male partner will be asked to provide some fresh ejaculate about three hours before the eggs are collected. The sperm sample is washed and put in a high-speed centrifuge to help select the sperm that is active and healthy.
  • Egg collection: the female partner will be sedated while a needle, guided by ultrasound, is used to collect as many eggs as possible from both ovaries.
  • In vitro fertilization: the eggs are mixed with the sperm in special culture fluid; fertilization usually occurs within 24 hours.
  • Embryo culture: any eggs that have been fertilized are cultured for another 1–2 days and then checked. At that point, either the 2–3-day old embryos will be transferred into the woman’s uterus, or they will be cultured until day 5 or day 6 to see if any become blastocysts. Blastocyst embryo transfer can have a slightly higher success rate. Some fertility clinics favor assisted hatching before implanting the embryos.
  • Embryo or blastocyst transfer: depending on the woman’s age, between one and three embryos or blastocysts will be transferred.
A pregnancy test carried out about two weeks after embryo or blastocyst transfer reveals whether the cycle of in vitro fertilisation has been successful. IVF+PGD in Iran



What is PGD?

PGD is a treatment which involves checking the genes or chromosomes of your embryos for a specific genetic condition. Because the embryos need to be tested in a lab you will need to have IVF, even if you and your partner have no fertility problems. Embryos which have been tested and are free of the condition will be placed back into your womb to hopefully continue to develop.

Who can have PGD?

Your doctor may discuss PGD with you if:
  • you have ended previous pregnancies because of a serious genetic condition
  • you already have a child with a serious genetic condition and want to avoid this happening again
  • you have a family history of a serious genetic condition, or
  • you have a family history of chromosome problems.

What if I have a genetic condition that hasn't been approved for testing?

If there’s a genetic condition you’d like to be able to test for that hasn’t already been approved, your clinic will need to apply to us to add it to the PGD list. There are strict criteria for deciding which conditions should be permitted so bear in mind it could be a lengthy process and you may not be successful.

How is PGD done?

Couples with a specific inherited condition in their family can use PGD to prevent passing it on to their offspring. The procedure aids prospective parents in avoiding having a child with a major genetic disorder. Like in vitro fertilization (IVF), PGD involves an additional step to determine whether the embryos are impacted by a significant genetic disease. The usual PGD treatment cycle is as follows:

Step 1: Ovarian stimulation is the first step.

The ovaries must be intentionally stimulated with hormones to generate several eggs at once in order to develop embryos for genetic testing. For the greatest chance of success, many embryos must be produced because it is anticipated that a sizable portion of a couple's embryos will be impacted by a chromosomal or genetic defect.

Step 2: Egg extraction from the ovaries.

The eggs are extracted during an operation called egg retrieval at the proper time. Once the eggs have been taken out, they are examined to see whether they are mature and appear normal.

Step 3: Sperm injection and fertilization.

During PGD, fertilization will occur either by: Sperm and eggs are combined in a culture plate during in vitro fertilization (IVF), enabling fertilization. A single sperm is injected into the center of an egg during an intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). The embryologist carefully analyzes each egg the following morning to see whether fertilization occurs after sperm injection/insemination. But “What is ICSI treatment?”

What is ICSI IVF?

The head of the sperm must adhere to the outside of the egg before it may fertilize a woman's egg. Once connected, the sperm pushes through the egg's cytoplasm to the interior, where fertilization occurs. The sperm occasionally fails to pierce the outer layer for various causes. It's possible that the sperm can't swim or that the egg's outer layer is dense or challenging to pierce. In certain situations, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, often known as ICSI, can be used in conjunction with in vitro fertilization (IVF) to assist in fertilizing the egg. During ICSI, a solitary sperm is directly injected into the cytoplasm of the egg.

Step 4: Biopsy of an embryo

We are now entering a very important and exciting phase. The successfully fertilized eggs are grown in the lab for 5–6 days, during which time the embryo develops into a blastocyst, which is a mass of 100–150 cells. Trophectoderm biopsy, which involves removing the cells that will become the placenta, is done at this time.

What is the disadvantage of trophectoderm biopsy?

Only skilled embryologists are qualified to perform this extremely specialized procedure because the embryo shouldn't be harmed by removing these cells. Although repeated biopsies did not appear to hurt pregnancy rates and implantation of the embryo, there are some considerations. According to recent research in pregnancies following FET (frozen embryo transfer) cycles, trophectoderm biopsies may raise the risk of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP). Therefore, the preferred method for obtaining cells for PGT analysis has replaced blastomeric biopsy with trophectoderm biopsy. Certainly, you ask what a blastomeric biopsy for the PGD IVF process is! Understanding the terminology of such two methods will not help you make an intelligent judgement, you should focus on statistic! Today's world is based on data. You should focus on statistics about the success rates of these two methods. Fortunately, according to the reports in the articles, both techniques have equal pregnancy rates and success rates.

Step 5: Testing embryos

To determine whether the embryo from which the cells were taken included the anomaly that results in the genetic disorder, the cells are analyzed.

Step 6: Transfer an embryo

The embryos that are implanted into the woman's uterus will only be those that do not have the particular genetic issue that was checked for. Typically, just one embryo will be implanted into the uterus at a time to reduce the risk of multiple births (more than one baby in a pregnancy). Any viable, undamaged embryos that are still available will be frozen for future use. Couples are either asked if they would be open to allowing these embryos to be donated for study and training, or the afflicted embryos are allowed to die.

Step 7: Confirm pregnancy

A pregnancy test is administered to the lady 12 days following the embryo transplant. A positive pregnancy test indicates the successful implantation of an embryo.

Who are good candidates for IVF PGD? - When PGD used?

Analyzing the embryos before transferring the body of the intended mother is so essential for parents with the following issues:
  1. The intended mother is older than 37
  2. The intended parents have a history of genetic disease.
  3. Multiple miscarriages on account of chromosomal defects
  4. The intended parents are wishful for gender selection.
Embryos are grown for five to six days after being generated in a lab. All properly developed embryos undergo a biopsy for PGD on days five or six.

PGD success rate

According to the research, the PGD success rate could be assessed from two aspects. The first aspect is about decreasing the rate of miscarriages. The data suggest a high reduction likelihood of spontaneous abortions through IVF and PGD procedures. The second aspect is gender selection. For gender selection, PGD presents the best performance, with more than a 99.9% success rate.

why IVF PGD in IRAN?

TebMedTurism explains Why IVF PGD in IRAN! IRAN is one of the best and most prosperous countries in infertility treatment. IRAN is also recognized, as what makes it stand out as, a significant country in terms of fertility treatment services, in addition to being a low-cost vacation destination. IRANIAN hospitals and clinics with using high-tech surgical equipment in labs and clinics that improve patient outcomes and satisfaction. Highly qualified physicians, and high-tech labs, make IRAN one of the most popular destinations among European and Asian alternatives.

Is PGD legal in IRAN?

Of course, the PGD is legal in IRAN. IVF PGD in IRAN is legal and authentic. There are many challenges in front of every healthcare facilitator similar TebMedTourism, but fortunately, there isn’t any legal problem ahead of healthcare facilitators in this case. IVF, PGD/PGS/NGS, Gender Selection and the other reproduction methods are legal, ethically, morally and lawfully!

IVF and PGD process in IRAN

IVF PGD in IRAN is like the other countries mentioned above, but our distinguishing feature is our very high accuracy which will cause to high success rate. IRAN is well known for its excellent healthcare thanks to the highly educated medical staff and is particularly well-known for the quality and success rate of PGD treatments. Therefore, IRAN is the best spot for you to undergo fertility treatment. IVF specialists in IRAN, by utilizing advanced ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) techniques, will increase implantation rates and will improve the likelihood of a successful pregnancy. Therefore, trusting Iranian infertility doctors is one of the most correct steps to expanding your family. For instance, embryo biopsies can be examined by preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) to see if chromosomal defects are present before implantation. By selecting the healthiest embryos for implantation, these techniques increase success rates.

How successful is IVF with PGD in IRAN?

There is a direct relation between IVF PGD and the IVF success rate. PGD has a 99% accuracy rate on average. Based on the latest data, early genetic problem discovery with PGD/PGS/NGS methods will increase IVF treatment's success rate. Also, the gender selection via IVF PGD in IRAN and choosing the healthiest embryo will considerably improve the chances of pregnancy success.

Best IVF PGD Centre in IRAN?

Selecting the appropriate clinic is the first step in beginning the infertility treatment journey. The most crucial aspects to consider while picking an infertility treatment centre are the experience of the doctors and other medical devices and the availability of modern equipment. TebMedTourism, a competent, experienced, and professional firm that considers all international factors for high-accreditation fertility centres, can assist in choosing the best IVF PGD centre in IRAN.

Cost of IVF PGD in IRAN

There is no evidence that babies born after PGD have more health or developmental issues than babies produced through IVF alone. Thus the procedure is regarded to be quite safe. Although an embryo can develop typically even when it has had a cell removed, there is a possibility that some embryos may be damaged by the process, which means they would need to be discarded. In addition, PGD is not 100% accurate, so there’s a slight chance the tests may not work or give the wrong information. This information indicates IVF PGD may around  $6,000.

How safe is PGD and how much does IVF+PGD in Iran cost?

The PGD treatment itself is thought to be very safe – there is no evidence that babies born following PGD suffer from any more health or developmental problems than babies born using IVF alone. There are risks from having IVF though, some of which can be very serious. Although an embryo can develop normally even when it has had a cell removed, there is a possibility that some embryos may be damaged by the process, which means they would need to be discarded. In addition, PGD is not 100% accurate so there’s a small chance the tests may not work or may give the wrong information.

What’s the chance of having a baby with PGD?

As with most fertility treatments, success depends on many factors, including the woman’s age and whether there are any existing fertility problems. We only have a small amount of data on births from PGD because it’s a fairly rare treat. In 2016, there were 712 treatment cycles of PGD:
  • 132 of these cycles used fresh embryos and the birth rate per embryo transferred was 30%.
  • 580 of these cycles used frozen embryos and the birth rate per embryo transferred was 36%.

Why might PGD be unsuccessful?

Unfortunately, sometimes there are no embryos suitable for transfer to the womb. This could be because:
  • not enough eggs are produced or fertilized in the first place
  • removing the cells for analysis damages the embryos
  • all the embryos are affected by the genetic disease
  • IVF+ Egg Donation in Iran

TebMedTourism company

TebMedTourism Company is an International healthcare facilitator based in Tehran, Iran. We start our professional activity in medical tourism industry regarding the profound capability of Iran in both healthcare & touristic fields. We are ready with open arms to provide desirable services to our dear patients & guests from all over the world to enjoy world-class treatment quality and highly skilled doctors in Iran. TebMedTourism company is cooperating with more than 40 internationally certified hospitals, 140 selected local hospitals, 300 specialized medical centers, 430 doctors, 112 hotels, domestic and international airlines in Tehran, Shiraz, Mashhad, Tabriz, Qom and other cities in Iran. You may also like to do IVF + PGD in Iran: TebMedTourism team facilitates comprehensive medical & cosmetic packages in all medical & wellness & touristic fields aimed to achieve your desires. TebMedTourism experienced team will make this procedure seamless and enjoyable from A to Z, so you will just focus on your recovery.

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PGD in Iran
Infertility Treatments , IVF

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