
PRP injection in Iran

September 16, 2024 Update date

PRP injection

PRP injection : By now you're probably familiar with, or at least have heard of the "vampire facial," a skin treatment that essentially uses your own blood to help facilitate a glowing, youthful complexion. What you probably haven't heard of is that there's a similar treatment for hair loss, and yes, it requires your blood, too.
It's called platelet-rich plasma, PRP. Here's how it works: Our blood is made of two main components, red blood cells, and plasma. The plasma contains white blood cells and platelets, which are rich in growth factors. Growth factors, in a sense, play the role of messengers, signaling skin cells to function. In fact, they've been used in medicine to treat a range of health issues, including arthritis, signs of aging, etc. The good news for anyone with thinning hair is that growth factors can "help stimulate the activity of the hair follicles and promote new hair growth." The use of PRP is a great treatment option for hair loss because it has a number of scientifically based articles showing its efficacy increasing hair count, hair thickness, and the growth phase of the hair cycle. the treatment has been gaining popularity around the world within the last few years. As with most procedures, there is a careful process involved in using PRP for hair regrowth, beginning with standard blood draw from the patient's arm. Next, the tube of blood is put into a machine called a centrifuge, which spins the blood tube to separate out the red blood cells from the plasma. The plasma, rich in platelets, is then injected directly into the scalp at the level of the hair follicles. The process is meticulous — with injections beginning across the scalp, approximately at every half inch over the area of thinning hair — but typically, the entire procedure takes less than a half hour. PRP injection

Risks involved

It might sound scary (blood draws and needles?!), but for the most part, there's no real risk associated with PRP. Most patients get injections without any numbing, as there is minimal discomfort. However, cool air or ice packs may be used to minimize pain. In the event there is any discomfort, Tylenol after the procedure is also recommended. Bruising can occur but usually resolves within a week or two. Minimal downtime, if any, is needed. physicians recommend a warm shower, as the hot temperature will enhance blood flow and circulation throughout the scalp, he says. This means going a day (or two) without your typical hair maintenance (coloring, processing, blow-drying, etc.). PRP injection

Who it works for

Anyone experiencing hair loss is essentially a good candidate for PRP treatments, but those with early hair loss tend to respond best. PRP is best used for patients with androgenic alopecia, which is a genetically determined type of hair thinning that typically occurs along the top of the head. In women, this might look like a widening part with normal hair thickness at the back of the head. PRP injection
For best results, consistency is key. Treatments are typically performed once a month for the first three to four months, and then every three to six months thereafter, depending on the individual patient's response and results. Following this protocol, anticipated results can first be seen within two to three months. The first result that patients usually note is decreased hair shedding, followed by early regrowth and increased the length of hair. The general consensus is that receiving treatments every three to six months on a long-term basis are optimal for continuing to stimulate the growth factors and stem cells that are associated with regrowth and stopping hair fallout. It's important to keep in mind that PRP can, and should, be a part of a multifaceted program to treat hair thinning and loss. Your dermatologist may prescribe you spironolactone or finasteride to help promote hair regrowth as well if you are post-menopausal. Topical treatments, like over-the-counter minoxidil treatments, like Rogaine foam or Evolis, can also be used. PRP injection
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The necessity of pursuing standard protocols in the preparation of platelet products, stating the precise content of platelets and growth factors, and long-term follow-up of study subjects were the most important points in Iranian studies. we provide you the best quality of treatments with a highly experienced specialist to achieve appropriate conclusion in equipped clinics in Tehran, Iran.
VIP Package
  • Treatment
  • Medical consultation
  • Post Treatment follow-up
  • Airport Pick up/Drop off
  • Visa
  • Hotel 5 * Top
  • VIP Transfer
  • Translator 7/24
  • Sightseeing Tours
Package A
  • Treatment
  • Medical consultation
  • Post Treatment follow-up
  • Airport Pick up/Drop off
  • Visa
  • Hotel 5 *
  • Transfer
  • Translator
Package B
  • Treatment
  • Medical consultation
  • Post Treatment follow-up
  • Airport Pick up/Drop off
  • Visa
  • Hotel 4 *
Package C
  • Treatment
  • Medical consultation
  • Post Treatment follow-up

About TebMedTourism company

TebMedTourism Company is an International healthcare facilitator based in Tehran, Iran. We start our professional activity in medical tourism industry regarding the profound capability of Iran in both healthcare & touristic fields. We are ready with open arms to provide desirable services to our dear patients & guests from all over the world to enjoy world-class treatment quality and highly skilled doctors in Iran. TebMedTourism company is cooperating with more than 40 internationally certified hospitals, 140 selected local hospitals, 300 specialized medical centers, 430 doctors, 112 hotels, domestic and international airlines in Tehran, Shiraz, Mashhad, Tabriz, Qom and other cities in Iran. TebMedTourism team facilitates comprehensive medical & cosmetic packages in all medical & wellness & touristic fields aimed to achieve your desires. TebMedTourism experienced team will make this procedure seamless and enjoyable from A to Z, so you will just focus on your recovery.

Communication ways:

call us: +98 88 17 75 37 and +98 88 51 44 76

Visit us: 1st. Floor / No. 270 /Between Bagh & Azadi  Alleyways / North Sohrevardi st. / Tehran / Iran

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PRP injection

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