
How should you sleep after rhinoplasty surgery?

leila Nazari article author
Dr. Ali Bazazi Medical approver
September 13, 2024 Update date
I’m a clinophile but guess what? After my nose job, I can see my nose is very tender and delicate. Sometimes I freak out over thinking of smooshing my face inadvertently during bedtime. Really how can I protect my nose and have a safe sleep after rhinoplasy? Rhinoplasy or “nose job” is a surgical procedure to change and enhance the properties of nose or improve breathing and nasal function. This technique is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries performed in Iran and Iranian surgeons are among the best and most experienced ones in the world. However, some patients are concerned about nose job aftercare, specifically the way they need to rest and sleep. If you have got some questions about the recovery tips after surgery, stay with us till the end of this article!

Why do you need a rhinoplasty surgery?

Nose job can be done because you want to change the size, shape or proportions of your nose. Absolutely, there are some other reasons to go through this procedure, such as correcting birth defect, improving breathing difficulties or repairing deformities from an injury. Definitely, you need to meet your selected surgeon to talk about different aspects of this procedures and make sure that it is likely to work well for you. Is nose job right for me? Read more here.
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What should you do before rhinoplasty surgery?

Just like any other medical procedure, you should go through some steps, includes:

Meet surgeon

In your meeting, your doctor will ask some question to know your expectation. More importantly, you should explain in detail, your medical history, such as any nasal obstruction, surgeries or medication or bleeding disorder.

Tests and physical exam

The surgeon will schedule some blood tests and examine inside and outside of your nose. This exam helps your doctor to know the thickness of your skin or how strong is the cartilage of your nose. All these features will determine the result of operation and its impact on your breathing.


Beside expertise and experience, most of nose job candidates ask for viewing before and after photos of their doctors’ patients. So, it is clear that doctors ‘assistants take some photos of your nose from different angles. Then, you can use these photos to discuss more deeply about your expectation and the goal of surgery.


Your doctor will probably ask you to avoid medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen for two weeks (pre and post operation day). You need to check all medications you take routinely; so, the surgeon will prove them or prescribe some others.

Different types of rhinoplasty

The majority of people think that there is only one type of rhinoplasty and that is cosmetic surgery. While, in reality, there are 2 main types of rhinoplasty:
    • Functional rhinoplasty: this technique will help patients to restore their nasal form and function after injuries or correct some birth defects. If you are suffering from deviated septum which can lead to shortness of breath or nasal congestion, functional surgery can be an option.
    • Cosmetic surgery: plastic or cosmetic rhinoplasty is more focused on the appearance of nose and its balance on face.

What happens during Rhinoplasty surgery?

On the day of surgery, a family member or friend should accompany you to the hospital or medical center to drive you home and stay with you overnight. At operation room, you will go under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation based on your doctor’s recommendation. Then, the surgeon will perform the op either by a closed or open procedure. In close technique, the incisions are hidden and the surgery will be done inside your nose; while in open procedure, your surgeon will have access to nasal bone and cartilages by some small external incisions at the base of your nose. Your surgeon will reduce or remove bone or cartilages to make your nose smaller. However, some nose need requires the addition of cartilages which can be taken from deeper inside of your nose or ear or in rare cases from the rib. After correcting or changing the needed changes, the surgeon will replace the nose skin and tissue and incisions are closed. Then, you will be in recovery room till return to wakefulness. You will discharge the same day or may have to stay overnight, based on your health status. Cleaning nose after nose job is essential, read this article to know more!

Postoperative cares and tips

Your surgeon or hospital nurses, before discharging, will provide you some instructions for the care of your new nose. After discharging, an adult (a family member or a friend) should stay overnight with you. Drinking clear liquid after general anesthesia is needed. You should drink as much as possible to keep your body hydrated which can decrease nausea and vomiting. Eating healthy and high protein diet is essential to feel better and heal faster. Adding more vegetable and fruits to your diet, alongside drinking more fluid, may be a cure for post-op constipation which can be caused to decreased activity. Resting and sleeping is a crucial part of after care. Sleep can be really helpful in strengthening of immune system. Your need to rest with the head in an elevated position. During first days, while you are resting, you should drink by mouth and apply cold compress to the nose and eyes. Using ice packs for the first 2 to 3 days can minimize swelling and bruising. You need to limit exercises during first weeks. However, dining and visiting friends or walking slowly are suggested. At any way, you have to avoid lifting, pulling or straining as it may cause bleeding. As your body is working extra hard after surgery to recover sooner, it is normal to feel fatigued during the first few days post-op. Although, taking prescribed pain medications can prevent pain to some extent, the role of sleep in feeling less pain is undeniable. However, the method of sleeping is different from normal pre-op days.

How should I sleep after nose job?

You need, at least, two pillows for the first weeks post-op. Your back of head should place on pillow, so the risk of smooshing your face and soft nose can decrease. Absolutely, there are some creative ways to keep your head elevated and feel comfortable. For instance, neck pillow (or airplane type pillow) can be used for comfort. Sleeping in a recliner, also, can be helpful to keep your head elevated. Most of the time, you should expect to sleep upright for at least 7 to 10 days after surgery. This position is essential for ensuring the best possible result as your nasal tissues are tender and fragile. Any patients adjust to the upright sleeping position naturally; however, providing some additional pillow or rolled-up blankets along their sides can help to prevent them from accidentally turning to their face during sleeping. If you observe your upright sleeping position, it will be helpful in promoting proper healing, reducing the possibility of complications, minimizing swelling and a better cosmetic result. Any pressure of sleeping on face or even sides can have a great negative impact on delaying or compromising the healing stage. In your follow-up appointments, your surgeon will evaluate your healing process and tell you if it is safe to revert to the normal sleeping position. As we mentioned earlier, every patient needs at least 7 to 10 days of upright sleeping; however, your doctor may extend this position of sleeping for a longer period of time.

Cost of rhinoplasty in Iran!

Rhinoplasty side effects

Just like any other medical or cosmetic surgeries, nose job has its possible risks and side effects. If you know about them, you can prepare yourself for what may happen. Some of mild and more common side effects are included: Pain: you need to know that some level of pain and discomfort after rhinoplasty is unavoidable. However, such pain lasts just a few days and by taking the prescribed medications it is tolerated. Swelling: Another unavoidable side effect is swelling which is the result of significant manipulation of nasal tissues, bone and cartilages. This swelling is, in effect, the body’s reaction to heal the trauma and damages. Applying ice packs can be really helpful to reduce the swelling. The majority of the swelling will reduce after the first week or two. Bruising: Dark circles is a normal reaction to nose surgery that happens because of alteration of nasal bones which causes some bleeding under your skin. Such bruising appears about 24 hours after the procedure and they are expected to last for the first 7 to 10 days. Numbness: many of patients may experience a numbness around the upper lip. It can last several weeks or months but in very rare cases, the numbness may be permanent. Some other less common risks and side effects are: infection, adverse reaction to the anesthesia, septal perforation, scaring and a need for additional surgery. However, by selecting an experienced and certified plastic surgeon, you can reduce the risk of prolonged side effects and dissatisfaction with the final result. Getting prepared for nose surgery! Read more in Tebmed Tourism.
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