
Surrogacy in Christianity

leila Nazari article author
Dr. Ali Bazazi Medical approver
October 13, 2024 Update date

Speaking about surrogacy and Christianity leads to different opinions and is an arguable topic. Thanks to modern and state-of-the-art technologies, there are a wide variety of ways for infertile couples to have a child. While adoption is regarded as one of the potential options, some couples are willing to have their biological child. They want to experience pregnancy and have a connection to the child they wish to raise. Surrogacy is one of the infertility treatments which is practical and helpful for having a baby. A third party who participates in this method is known as the surrogate mother. Generally, there are two types of surrogacy: traditional and gestational surrogacy. The primary distinction between traditional and gestational surrogacy lies in the use of the surrogate's eggs. In traditional surrogacy, the surrogate is the biological mother of the child because her eggs are used. However, in gestational surrogacy, the surrogate carries the embryo instead of the biological mother. She has no biological connection to the child and simply carries the baby until birth. Although many infertile parents are passionate about the surrogacy journey, there are some serious obstructions. Christian views vary from one sect to another. Some religious groups don’t accept this procedure and frown upon it. They don’t accept third-party involvement in marriage. In this article, we talk about surrogacy in Christianity, because surrogacy is a controversial subject in this religion. Please keep reading this article until the end of it. All of your questions about Christianity and surrogacy will be answered.

What does the bible say about surrogacy

Although some people think surrogacy is done by modern technology, its history dates back to the holy books. The closest story of Surrogacy in the Bible is when Sarah, Abraham’s wife, was not able to carry a child for some particular reasons. A woman without children wasn’t accepted then, as a result, she gave her servant, Hagar, to her husband as his new wife to have a child and build a bigger family through her. Nowadays, this way is known as a kind of traditional surrogacy. Hagar and Sarah’s story hadn’t stopped after delivery. Hagar gave birth to a son named Ishmael. The story wasn’t as easy as it might seem. The attachment between the surrogate and the baby was inevitable in that traditional surrogacy, and this matter caused a lot of pain for Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar as is mentioned in the bible. Surrogacy in Christianity raises many questions including whether is surrogacy against the Bible, and whether is surrogacy a sin in the Bible, or not. The answer to these questions is that surrogacy in Christianity is not considered a sin in the bible, but it raises some complicated questions for parents. They need to answer some questions before doing the procedure. For instance, who would be the surrogate? Should she be in the baby’s life or not? Will she have feelings for the baby? In the bible, children are considered a gift for parents, not a right. For instance, some people are wealthy and prosperous, and others are not. Having a baby is like that. God blesses some couples with having babies; others need to pray to God for this gift. Someone may ask is surrogacy a sin? It can be said that using the surrogacy method with a rebellious attitude would be a sin. But after prayerful consideration, infertile couples may consider using surrogacy to have a child.

What does the church think of surrogacy?

What does the church think of surrogacy ? After the emergence of new reproductive technologies, many Christians wanted to know the Vatican’s perspective. While people were waiting for the church's answer, On March 10, 1987, the Vatican responded by issuing a 40-page document called “Instruction on Respect for Human Life in Its Origin and on the Dignity of Procreation.” That document wasn’t written just for Catholics, it was for all humankind and rules around the world. Vatican’s view is against all the processes of infertility treatments, from artificial insemination to surrogacy. Since the Vatican strictly forbids abortion, it is also against experimentation on embryos because the aim of this experiment is abortion in the case of any threat to the embryo or mother. In this situation, they say life begins with conception. Every embryo or fetus has valuable life. They should be respected as human beings. The church believes that there are two purposes for having a sexual relationship, emotional, and having a baby. Separating these two is considered wrong. This is the reason why all related experimental acts are not accepted by the church. They believe that a child has some rights and parents shouldn’t violate these rights. The child should be born in a marriage relationship with the sexual act. Transferring an embryo to a surrogate womb is not morally approved. This document sparked various opinions and queries in Christianity. While Some people view it as a positive means of increasing awareness on the matter, many ethicists can’t accept that. In general, the church’s view is clear but it isn’t the last opinion. They want to make people ponder about the effect of these innovations on our life, and make us think, before making any decision.

Christian Sects Views on Surrogacy

Christianity has three different branches that are Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, and Orthodox in order of size. Each Christian Sect has its Perspectives on assisted reproductive technology (ART) and surrogacy.

  1. Catholicism :Although surrogacy examples are available in the Bible, the Catholic Church does not approve of surrogacy. It believes that children are God's blessings, and only can be conceived and carried naturally by a married husband and wife. Any kind of third-party involvement in this process is considered immoral. Catholics have a rough religious perspective regarding this matter.
  2. Protestantism :Protestantism has many different factions, therefore there are various views on the surrogacy practice. Generally, this sect of Christianity is usually more open-minded, and surrogacy and other ART techniques are accepted among certain Protestant factions.
  3. Orthodox :Orthodox Christians are not as strict as Catholic Christians, but they still do not approve of third-party involvement. They don't accept IVF and other assisted reproductive techniques and surrogacy.

What does God say about surrogacy?

Based on whatever the church interprets from the bible, using any infertility treatment like IVF and surrogacy is rated as an immoral act by God. But it raised the question that what is the benefit of science when we are not allowed to use it. According to God's commands, its Haman's responsibility to subdue the earth. Christians believe gaining science help subdue the earth. So, we can use science to help infertile parents have their children and suppress the world but based on church we are deprived of doing that. It’s the serious conflict in Christian beliefs. Do Christians support surrogacy?

Do Christians support surrogacy?

Surrogacy is gaining popularity among infertile Christian couples, and some celebrities, such as labor MP Liz Kendal, Cristiano Ronaldo, Kim Kardashian, and popstar Grimes have babies in this way. More Christian couples have interested in doing this process. Many Christians with solid faith seek God's will regarding the surrogacy journey and reproductive technologies. It is evident that the church is against traditional surrogacy, since it may involve adultery, the baby is a surrogate biological child, and it’s hard to make laws and legislation for that. However gestational surrogacy by modern technology is not adulterous, and parents use their eggs and sperm unless they have an infertility issue and need a donor egg from another woman, except the surrogate. Therefore, can hardly call surrogate mothers a third party. There are just some ethical concerns about surrogacy in Christianity and choosing the surrogate.

The Issue of Being a Surrogate in Christianity

As far as a surrogate is concerned, many factors should be taken into account, from bearing a child to delivery and emotions. But the more critical factor is related to morality. There are some surrogates all over the world that are not fully informed about the potential health risks and emotional damage after giving up the baby associated with surrogacy. Surrogates' bodies will be changed during pregnancy to bond with the child and because of Hormonal imbalances, they may suffer from depression. Some people are of the opinion that it is a privileged process and only rich people can afford it. For instance, there is a lot of black and brown surrogate mother who can earn money in this way. Even more, than the money they could make during some years. Therefore, it raises the chance that Western people can exploit the poverty of surrogates for their own needs. Because of that, this process is regarded as an illegal act in some countries. While some wealthy people can have a baby in this way, others can’t. But bear in mind that some surrogacy clinics have payment plans, and others like TebMedTourism in Iran offer surrogacy and any needed ART method with high quality and affordable prices.   The Process of Surrogacy in Christianity

The Process of Surrogacy in Christianity

Surrogacy is not a new technology and is as old as prophets. The first surrogacy journey in history is related to Sarah and Abraham. After that, other people did it. In the past, being an infertile woman was unusual and a source of shame. Consequently, childless women were seeking other women to bear a child for them. Although the Bible doesn’t talk about this infertility treatment specifically, some interpret it. Surrogacy hasn’t been banned or forbidden in the Bible but raised questions about the morality of the process. For instance, whether bearing another person’s child in your uterine is ethical or not. Bible has also been interpreted that children are gifts and some people have a chance to have children and others don’t have this opportunity. Some individuals find it devastating and heartbreaking for those willing to have a child, while God's will is against them. In the end, it is up to parents to choose their ways. These days, since infertility and IVF treatments are more common among people, some strict Christians are beginning to realize the importance of these procedures for having a happy family and are changing their thoughts regarding this matter. Do the techniques used contravene biblical ethics?

Do the techniques used contravene biblical ethics?

It needs to be noticed that Biblical ethics may vary based on religious faiths and interpretations of the holy book. Different religious groups might have different opinions about surrogacy. The surrogacy journey involves some other procedures like IVF or egg donation. Should Christians employ these processes? In the IVF cycle, the number of created embryos is more than planted in the uterus. The others are usually used for research or use later. In the Bible, the Greek word brephos was used to describe both the intra-uterine baby Jesus and also the baby wrapped in clothes. Therefore, in the Bible, there is no difference between an embryo and an adult person; so, it is not morally approved by most Christian sects to use embryos in another way.

Reconciling Surrogacy with Your Religious Beliefs

Due to the fact that IVF and gestational surrogacy are considered modern technologies and all religions originate from thousands of years ago, nobody can exactly say what the religious opinion about these methods was. You should know that in agencies all the processes are done with the permission of the intended parents and surrogates. Two parties sign an agreement, and it is done ethically. Nothing is done that can be against God’s will. It should be noted that having children is one of the rules in some religious beliefs. If you are concerned about how your religious faith may affect your surrogacy process, we at TebMedTourism Company can help you. We encourage you to speak to a trusted spiritual leader and other intended parents and surrogates who have been through the same process. In this way, you will get a good experience about the surrogacy journey and its challenges when it comes to your religious belief. This process is time-consuming and you have enough time to figure out what you are going to do and its effect on your future and life.

Is surrogacy acceptable ethically?Read More about : surrogacy ethical issues

Christian surrogacy in TebMedTourism

While there is a vast array of difficulties in making surrogacy journeys in developed countries due to ethical problems or not approval of surrogacy in Christianity, some Christians are interested in doing this procedure in Iran, especially through TebMedTourism center. It is because this medical provider has the highest standard of infertility treatment, the lowest costs because of Iran's current currency value, experienced fertility specialists, and high success rates. Fortunately, many Christian parents have done this process by now and they are delighted with their beloved children. 


Like other religions, there are many different opinions about surrogacy in Christianity. While some Protestants accept the whole process of surrogacy, Catholics have a strict religious view regarding this matter. Nobody can deny how heartbreaking it is for infertile couples not to be allowed to have their children, even though many scientifically approved procedures exist. Having your baby helps you to strengthen your relationship. Some agencies and clinics can do surrogacy for Christians with the best quality, and one of them is TebMedTourism company. Our company is considered one of the leading agencies in surrogacy journeys in the world with affordable prices and the best quality. If you have any questions about this procedure don’t hesitate to contact us on WhatsApp. Our experts are available 24 hours a day to guide you and make your dream real. click now to connect

Frequently Asked Questions about surrogacy in Christianity

Is surrogacy allowed in Christianity? Surrogacy is accepted among certain Protestant factions. Is surrogacy against the Bible? There are two stories about surrogacy in the Bible. The first one is about Abraham, Sarah, and her servant Hagar. Sarah was infertile at that time. Hagar married Abraham and gave birth to Ishmael. The second story is about Jacob and his wife Rachel who was not able to conceive a child. Her maid, Bilhah, married Jacob and gave birth to Dan and Naphtali. Do Christians Support Surrogacy? There are many Christians who think surrogacy is a permissible way to have a baby, while there are other Christians who are against surrogacy

surrogacy in christianity

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