Is surrogacy ethical?

Is surrogacy acceptable ethically?

If this question is in your mind, is surrogacy ethical? This article is yours!
The ethical nature of surrogacy is subjective and depends on personal beliefs, cultural context, and legal systems. There is no clear consensus on the matter, as it involves diverse opinions and complicated moral considerations.
Supporters of surrogacy argue for its ethicality by pointing out its ability to help individuals struggling with infertility or medical issues become parents. They emphasize that surrogacy empowers women who choose to assist others in becoming parents while also receiving financial compensation.
Critics, on the other hand, express ethical concerns regarding surrogacy. They highlight the potential exploitation of vulnerable surrogate mothers, the commercialization of reproductive services, and the emotional and psychological risks involved. They advocate for stricter regulations to protect the interests of all parties involved.

Thus, in this article we are going to know about:

  • Is surrogacy morally acceptable ?
  • Ethics of surrogacy pros and cons

Is surrogacy morally acceptable?

Surrogacy is a complex and controversial topic that involves ethical, legal, social and emotional issues. Some of the ethical issues that surrogacy raises are wrote below and in the next section, we have examined all the questions that exist in the field of ethics in surrogacy:

  • Payment: Should surrogates be paid for their services or should they only receive reimbursement for their expenses? Some argue that payment is a form of exploitation and commodification of women and children, while others argue that payment is a fair compensation for the work and risks involved in surrogacy.
  • Gender: How does surrogacy affect the rights and autonomy of women who act as surrogates? Do they have control over their bodies and decisions during pregnancy and delivery? Do they face discrimination or stigma for being surrogates? How does surrogacy challenge the traditional notions of motherhood and family?
  • Inequality: How does surrogacy reflect the global inequalities between rich and poor, developed and developing countries, and privileged and marginalized groups? Does surrogacy create a market for reproductive tourism and trafficking, where vulnerable women are coerced or deceived into becoming surrogates for wealthy foreigners?
  • Child welfare: How does surrogacy affect the well-being and identity of the children born through this arrangement? Do they have the right to know their genetic and gestational origins? Do they have the right to establish a relationship with their surrogate mother? How do they cope with the potential psychological and social challenges of being born through surrogacy?

These are some of the ethical issues that surrogacy poses, but there are many more that need to be explored and addressed. Surrogacy is not a simple or straightforward solution to infertility or childlessness, but a complex phenomenon that requires careful consideration and regulation.


Ethics of surrogacy pros and cons

Like any other ethical issues, surrogacy has some pros and cons and we will discuss their reasons below:

Ethical pros of surrogacy

  •  Difficulty of adoption: We described about differences between surrogacy and adoption. By the way, surrogacy is more reliable and beneficial and long waiting list of adoption is one of the most important drawbacks of adoption!
  • Surrogate mother consent: Some pundits disagree with surrogacy but typically, surrogate mothers are fully aware when they choose to carry a baby for another person. They receive thorough information and fair compensation. The majority of these women have a positive and fulfilling experience, considering it a selfless act.
  • Desire to become a parent: The opportunity to achieve the dream of having children and creating a loving family becomes attainable when individuals or couples opt for a surrogate mother to assist them. Through this path, the desire for parenthood is nurtured and cherished, transforming a long-held dream into a beautiful reality.

Ethical cons of surrogacy

  • Poor people cannot do surrogacy: Surrogacy can be incredibly costly, making it unaffordable for those with limited financial resources. However, it’s a common misconception that only wealthy couples engage in surrogacy. You can choose the cheapest country for surrogacy in 2023 instead of doing surrogacy in other countries!
  • The number of children who need adoption: Some parents are died, face diseases, etc. and they cannot take care of their children. You can adopt these children instead of doing surrogacy! Although this opinion is right, long waiting list for adoption in many countries and some other disadvantages lead couples to going to surrogacy procedure!
  • Surrogate mother is not labor: Many oppose surrogacy, arguing against using women’s reproductive capacity as labor and commodifying children. But its not bad to say surrogate mother know about it and know what is she doing!
  • Prostitution: Some argue that surrogacy can be seen as women selling their intimate bodily services for financial gain.
  • Women are not baby machine

 In conclusion, we can say that although surrogacy has some ethical issue, it is ethical to do surrogacy. Surrogacy is morally acceptable and can be done if you want!

We prioritize the satisfaction of both parties involved, including the parents and the surrogate. For instance, we ensure that the surrogate has ample time to rest her body for six months before undergoing the procedure again, even if she desires to proceed immediately. We prioritize the health and well-being of these individuals.

TebMedTourism does not impose any additional fees on the parents. In the event of unforeseen expenses for the parents or the surrogate, we cover those costs ourselves. The amount mentioned in the contract is the only payment received.

The surrogates who work with us have a genuine desire to provide the opportunity of parenthood to families who are unable to conceive. Despite their own age and financial situation, they choose to engage in this noble act rather than pursuing other means of financial support. They view giving the gift of a child as a divine endeavor, making lives more beautiful.

So, if you want to do surrogacy or know more about it, our fertility specialist are at your service.

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Is surrogacy acceptable ethically03


Here, we are going to answer some FAQs about ethics of surrogacy, which our patients asked from us

What is the moral argument against surrogacy?

The moral arguments against surrogacy include concerns about the commodification and potential exploitation of women’s bodies and children, as well as questions about the autonomy and rights of surrogate mothers. There are worries about global inequalities, as surrogacy can create a market where economically vulnerable women may be coerced into becoming surrogates for the wealthy. Critics also raise issues regarding child welfare, the commodification of reproductive capacity, comparisons to prostitution, and the reduction of women to mere “baby machines.” Some argue that alternative options, like adoption, should be considered. These concerns contribute to a complex and ongoing ethical debate surrounding surrogacy.

Is surrogacy ethical in Bangladesh?

Yes! It is ethically acceptable to do surrogacy in Bangladesh. TebMedTourism provide you a team to do your surrogacy journey from A to Z. Also, we are at your service to do other fertility treatment procedure in Bangladesh. You can ask your questions from our expertise to know about it!

Why is surrogacy and ethical issue?

Surrogacy offers several advantages such as greater dependability compared to adoption, the voluntary consent of surrogate mothers, the fulfillment of parental aspirations, the ability to personalize the process, and access to advanced fertility treatments. Surrogacy is considered as a viable option for individuals or couples who desire to start a family quickly and according to their preferences.

Is altruistic surrogacy ethical?

Sometimes altruistic surrogates may feel undervalued or taken advantage of, and there could be pressure on friends and family members to become surrogates without any compensation. These circumstances might strain the intended parents’ relationship with the surrogate, leading to negative consequences.

Is gestational surrogacy ethical?

Gestational surrogacy raises complex ethical concerns. It’s viewed as both ethical and problematic. Ethical considerations revolve around informed consent, the potential for surrogate empowerment, and fulfilling the parenthood dreams of intended parents. However, concerns arise over potential exploitation, commodification, and the impact on children’s well-being and identity. The ethics of gestational surrogacy are multifaceted, and perspectives vary widely. Ultimately, whether gestational surrogacy is considered ethical or not depends on individual values, cultural norms, and the specific circumstances of each surrogacy arrangement.

Why is surrogacy an ethical dilemma?

Critics of surrogate motherhood contend that financially vulnerable and uneducated women can be exploited by being tempted to become surrogates in exchange for substantial monetary compensation. To shield these women from societal judgment, they are often secluded during the entire duration of their pregnancy.


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