
The success rate of infertility treatment by Surrogacy

September 16, 2024 Update date
The success rate of surrogacy is a determining factor for couples hesitating to welcome their new babies via surrogacy. The success rate is a good metric to know that you are on the appropriate track. The right track prevents you from churning and wrong struggling! It provides you with the best experience and conclusion.

Statistic data in fertility fields show a 70% surrogacy success rate in 2022, and the first pregnancy for surrogate mothers increases the success rate of surrogacy to 80%. As one threshold for success rate in any field is 78%, you can see that the success rate of surrogacy is high.

A good success rate in surrogacy will push many women with fertility issues to trust TebMedTourism and start their surrogacy journey to welcome their new children.

In this article on TebMedTourism, the success rate of surrogacy, the effecting factors on it and every detail that couples should know to Step forward with confidence in the surrogacy procedure will be described


The success rates of Surrogacy

Today, assisted reproductive technologies (ART), including the use of surrogacy, has become one of the most common and successful methods of infertility treatment.

The popularity of this method has many reasons, one of the most important of which is its high success rate compared to other infertility treatments, which makes intended couples, despite some costs and possible legal and medical challenges, turn to it.

But does actually surrogacy have a high success rate, according to reliable data? What is the reason? And what factors can increase its success rate even more?

In this article, we will address these issues.


What is the success rate of surrogacy?
The most important question in such cases is “What is the success rate of surrogacy” and “why does it matter?”
The success rate in surrogacy has a simple definition, the number of surrogacy procedures that successfully resulted in a child/children (twins). But some tender points may impress on the success rate of surrogacy!
The fact is that for surrogacy method, different approaches are taken around the world (both legally and practically) and on the other hand, there is no one-size-fits-all principle for monitoring it, so the related data cannot be fully verified.

However, some countries have published reliable data in this area.

In the United States, for example, the success rate of surrogacy is about 75%. If the surrogate mother can get pregnant, the success rate will even increase to 95%.

In fact, this method is much more successful than the situation in which the IVF, ICSI or IUI would be performed on the real mother herself. Because surrogate mothers are usually people who have been selected after many tests and medical examinations, they are in a much better general condition and, on the other hand, have already had successful fertility and childbearing experience.

However, there are cases where the intended couple may have to try to conceive more than once using surrogacy, or may not eventually succeed in their endeavors, although it would be a rare case.

Therefore, some factors can affect the success rate of this method. We will deal with them in the following.


General factors affecting the success rate of Surrogacy

The surrogacy journey needs three essential things to access a high success rate:
1. Healthy eggs
2. Healthy sperms
3. Healthy surrogate mother
These factors have essential effects on the final results and cause the high success rate of surrogacy. TebMedTourism's comprehensive observation will help a couple to have a happy and healthy baby.


Factors affecting success rates of Surrogacy

The highest successful fertility rate in surrogacy is achieved when the sperm donor, whether an intended couple or a stranger, has undergone multiple tests, is young and has a family medical record in which there is no track of sensitive diseases such as cancer.

The age of the egg donor is far more important than the age of the surrogate mother because the fetus is not supposed to have a genetic relationship with the surrogate mother. The ideal age for an egg donor is between 21-29 years.

In cases where couples in need of treatment do not meet these requirements, it is best to use an egg donor to increase the success rate.

The age of the surrogate mother is also an important factor in the success of this method. Usually, the age range of 21-37 years is recommended. It is also best for the surrogate mother to have a history of having a healthy baby before.

In this method, surrogacy agencies usually pay extra attention to choosing a suitable surrogate mother. So finding the right agency (link to the relevant article) can help make the process easier.

It is best to perform specific genetic tests on the fetus to identify chromosomal or genetic abnormalities that could lead to a failed implantation or miscarriage.

Both the egg donor and the surrogate mother should have a healthy weight. Both obesity and underweight can affect the examination process and, consequently, the result.

In choosing a treating physician, in addition to brilliant history, the comfort of the intended couple and the surrogate mother with that person is also very important.

Fertility by this approach will be a long journey with many potential challenges, and therefore, it is necessary to have a professional and sensible team by your side.

According to researchers, a deficiency of some vitamins, including vitamin D, can affect the outcome of IVF. In this regard, consulting with your doctor and receiving appropriate supplements can be helpful.

It is essential that both the surrogate mother and the couple in need of treatment, who would donate sperm and eggs, do not smoke during treatment. Smoking and addiction can drastically reduce the success rates of the procedure.


What is the average success or failure rate of surrogacy?

According to the last finding, Miscarriage is the main cause of the low case success rate in surrogacy. Across all effecting factors, same as IVF clinics, IVF specialists and comprehensive observation on preparing egg and sperm (and finally embryo), Choosing a surrogate mother has a key role.

Focusing on the medical background of a surrogate mother and intended parents is very important for the TebMedTourism agency. All dangerous risk factors, the most common reason for Miscarriage and symptoms will be checked by specialists of TebMedTourism. Four typical issues that our doctors precisely concentrate on them are as follows:

Scheduling an appointment with a fertility specialist and consulting to avoid any risk of miscarriage is the first and most important duty of the TebMedTourism agency toward its clients.

How many surrogate babies are born each year?

How many babies are born through surrogacy a year? The answer to this question will help to understand why is surrogacy popular? To find the reason for the popularity of surrogacy, especially among celebrities(why do celebrities use  surrogate? ) and others, Let's look at the surrogacy statistics!

Based on the surrogacy Statistic, around 750 babies were born through surrogacy in 2013, and it raised to 3,400 per year in 2013. It shows that the surrogacy success rate has exceedingly increased in the recent few years.

Finally, patience and avoidance of stress can significantly help the intended couple and the surrogate mother achieve the ideal result.

The fact is that surrogacy is a long way off. But, if it carries out under the supervision of a professional treatment team, it would have the best results for the couple in need of infertility treatment; Which is nothing but having a child of their own.

Hence, if you are thinking of employing this infertility treatment, it might be a good idea to consult with experts before taking any action.

The consultant physicians of TebMedTourism Co. are ready to answer your questions, free of charge, 24/7.


For more information Please read :All about Surrogacy in Iran


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success rates of Surrogacy

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