
The Gender Selection Diet: Myth or Reality?

September 16, 2024 Update date
If you are one of the couples seeking the desired gender of your baby, this question is in your mind: Does a gender selection diet really work? In these cases, the success rate of gender selection diet is the most important factor for couples. In reality, all kinds of gender selection diets are not always effective, and generally, none of these diets, we will mention in this blog post on TebMedTourism, will work 100% to guarantee baby gender! But we will discuss them with our audience to satisfy their curiosity on this field and finally will introduce a guaranteed, advanced, high-tech process from ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) methods like IVF gender selection which results will surprise you! Overall due to the different opinions and approaches there are in the world, like natural methods, we prepare a perspective on gender selection by maternal diet via these items for our worldwide audience:  
  • Female gender pre-selection by maternal diet
  • Gender selection supplement
  • Preconception gender diet
  • Baby girl diet food list
  • Diet for boy gender selection
  • Alkaline diet for gender selection
  • Shettles method
  • Whelan method
  • Babydust method
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What is a gender selection diet?

  There are several numbers of anecdotes about gender selection diets, but in real-world, how these diets could effect on the odds of being a girl or boy, statistics show these natural-based methods 50-50 is the odds for girl and boy! As a matter of fact, there is no specific "gender selection diet," but there have been studies that suggest a relationship between a maternal diet and the sex of her baby. For example, a study conducted in England found that women who consumed more calories before conception were more likely to have male babies and women who ate breakfast cereal daily were also more likely to have boys. Another study found that a combination of a low-sodium diet and intercourse well before ovulation could increase the probability of conceiving a girl. Overall, the mother's nutrition should be the first priority for exploring gender selection diets, so we start discussing with female gender pre-selection by maternal diet.

Female gender pre-selection by maternal diet

The importance of maternal diet and nutrition is so high in the development and expansion of a child that designing a diet for gender selection will be the first priority!   Based on the web search results, it is concluded that maternal diet and timing of intercourse can increase the probability of conceiving a girl. Data from a study of 740 British women revealed that maternal diet at conception is associated with female sex. Therefore, it is possible to pre-select the gender of a baby by following a specific maternal diet.

Gender selection supplement

  Before getting accustomed to gender selection supplements, it is good to discuss a popular theory called sex selection theory! According to sex selection theory, if women could create an ideal level (about 8-9.9), the excellent condition will be preparing for Y chromosomes, which produce a son! Gender selection supplements are available that claim to help couples conceive a baby of the desired gender. Most of these supplements work by adjusting the body's pH levels to create a more pleasant environment for conceiving a boy or a girl. Natural gender-swaying vitamins are available that claim to help couples conceive a baby of the gender of their choice. These supplements contain vitamins and minerals that affect the chances of conceiving a boy or girl. Overall if you ask, “Can I pick my baby’s gender via supplements and vitamins?”; we say your answer is not an absolute and guaranteed yes! it is essential to consider that there is no scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of gender selection supplements! Couples considering gender selection supplements should consult their doctor or a fertility specialist before taking them. Fluctuating PH levels and getting under 4.5 could cause preterm labor and pregnancy complications!

Preconception gender diet

  Most grandma remedies prescribe natural gender selection methods, which are typically 50-50. But the story does not end only with home recipes; even a book has been written in this regard! The Preconception Gender Diet is a book that describes two daily diets for women that supposedly determine the sex of their future child. The book was written in 1982 and claims to be a non-intrusive and nutritionally-based method of natural gender selection. Research shows that fetal sex in human babies is associated with maternal diet at the time of conception, with women with the highest energy intake before conception being more likely to have male babies. The Trivers and Willard hypothesis of sex ratio variation suggest that parents in good condition should favor male offspring, and the results of this study support this hypothesis. By way of explanation, both the intended mother and father must be healthy!  

Does paternal diet have an impact?

  Yes, a paternal diet can have an impact on the long-term health of the future baby! In this article, we have focused on the effect of the maternal diet, but in reality, the paternal diet is significant as the maternal diet in gender selection! A study conducted at the University of Nottingham revealed that a lack of protein in a father's diet can compromise sperm quality and may lead to offspring with health problems such as type 2 diabetes and weight issues. In addition, a study on animals shows nutritional deficiencies in a paternal diet to a higher rate of birth defects in comparison to those fathers who were under a nutritious, balanced diet (which provides beneficial nutrients like protein, vitamins, minerals and etc., with minimizing consuming potentially harmful foods). Therefore, both parents need to maintain a healthy diet to improve the chances of having healthy offspring in the long run.  

Baby gender selection diet

  If you are curious and seeking to find a diet for determining gender in a baby, we remind this critical point the proposed baby boy diet plan or baby girl diet plan should be healthy and intellectual! Eating a healthy diet before conceiving is essential for a healthy pregnancy, but it’s also possible that certain foods may influence the sex of the baby. Research suggests that foods like seafood, beans, nuts, leafy greens, broccoli, and dairy products, as well as having a diet high in magnesium and calcium, may increase the chances of having a girl. However, no conclusive evidence exists that consuming certain foods before conception guarantees to have a girl. In the following of this blog post on TebMedTourism, we will briefly explore both baby boy and baby girl diet plans. So stay tuned!

Baby girl diet food list

“What foods increase the chance of having a girl?” If you want to have a baby girl, this paragraph will discuss diet to conceive a girl! If you're looking for a baby girl’s diet food list, then you should focus on foods that are rich in calcium and magnesium. Some examples of such foods are oats, yogurt, tofu, spinach, broccoli, beans, nuts, and fresh fish. Additionally, you might want to consider incorporating more acidic foods into your diet, such as green leafy veggies, corn, and fruits like blueberries. This can create a more favorable environment for conceiving a baby girl. Remember to consult with your doctor or a qualified healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet. To summarize, the following three golden rules will improve the chances of having a girl:
  • Low to sodium
  • High in calcium
  • Intercourse before ovulation

A glance at high calcium low sodium diet for gender selection

  Alongside dairy products which are in high levels of calcium, highlighting a few foods with high calcium and low sodium could be useful for increasing the chance of having a son: Little sodium fruits You must not be anxious about the sodium of fruits if they’re fresh and raw, but for choosing the high-level of calcium in fruits and juices, this section is so helpful!
  • One cup of orange juice has 366 mg of calcium.
  • Three cups of grapefruit have 350mg of calcium.
  • One cup of pineapple juice has 84 mg of calcium.
  • One cup of plums and apricots has 70 mg of calcium.
  • One cup of blueberries and pears has 60 mg of calcium.
Little sodium seafood Most fishes do not have a good ratio of calcium and sodium. Most of them have 120 mg calcium and 80 mg sodium. Only Sardines have a great ratio, 150 mg calcium and 50 mg sodium! Little sodium vegetables
  • Lovely Kales in every type of frozen, boiled, or drained without salt, has a great ratio of 179 mg of calcium to 20 mg of sodium.
  • In the second position, we have mustards in greens or frozen with a pleasing ratio of 152 mg of calcium and 38 mg of sodium.
  • Raw onion with 72 mg calcium and 8 mg sodium is in the third position.
  • Black eye peas with 184 mg of calcium and 27 mg of sodium in a cup are in the fourth position.

Diet for boy gender selection

  Ultimately in this section of the TebMedTourism post, we discuss baby boy diet plan via natural gender selection methods! Overall, a baby boy diet for mothers includes: # eat foods high in Potassium, # Consuming food often, # and eating breakfast cereal. No scientific evidence proves that such a special diet can help conceive a boy. However, a healthy and balanced diet focusing on nutrient-rich foods is still recommended. Timing sex close to ovulation may increase the chances of having a boy, as male-producing sperm tend to move faster. Foods high in Potassium and alkaline can increase the likelihood of having a boy. High-calorie intake and consumption of breakfast cereals have also been linked to the birth of boys. It is suggested that an alkaline environment in the woman's body can influence which sperm meets the egg first. While these tips are not scientifically proven, if you are exploring a guaranteed method for gender selection, PGD is the most accurate method, which definitely will give you the baby with your desired gender!

All types of gender selection natural methods

  Alongside diets, some methods like the Shettles method and the Whelan method suggest timing intercourse around ovulation to increase the chances of having a girl. Still, there is no scientific evidence to confirm their effectiveness. In a prospective study, researchers found that female gender pre-selection by maternal diet in combination with the timing of sexual intercourse may be effective, but further research is needed. Although we will speak in brief about famous gender selection methods in the following paragraphs:  

1.      Shettles method

  The Shettles Method is a popular method that claims to help parents select the gender of their future child. This method involves timing intercourse to coincide with certain points in the menstrual cycle to increase the likelihood of conceiving a baby of the desired sex. For example, if you want to conceive a girl, you should have sex earlier in the menstrual cycle and abstain from having sex in the days leading up to ovulation. However, there is limited scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of this method, and it is difficult to determine whether it truly works. While some couples have reported success with the Shettles Method, it's important to remember that the only guaranteed technical method with more than 99% accuracy in gender selection is the PGD test via the IVF process!  

2.      Whelan method

  If you want a baby girl, this method could be effective upto 50%! The Whelan method is a gender selection technique that suggests timing intercourse in relation to a woman's ovulation cycle to increase the chances of conceiving a baby of a specific gender. This method involves tracking a woman's basal body temperature (lowest natural body temperature recorded after a period of rest) and timing intercourse to occur either before or after ovulation depending on the desired gender. However, there is no scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of the Whelan method, and it is not a guaranteed method of gender selection. It is enough to google and see Reddit results that many couples experiencing failure and disappointment via Whelan/Shettles method and seeking an accurate and precise method! It is essential to consult a well-known and well-skilled agency like us before attempting any natural gender selection methods. Definitely, our consultants will consider you happy and will offer the most accurate technical methods like PGD. Take an unprecedented step in having a baby in your desired gender by trusting a famous and experienced company, TebMedTourism!



3.      Babydust method

  The baby dust method could not guarantee baby gender, but fans of this method declare claims that you can choose your baby's sex by timing intercourse correctly. The Babydust Method is a natural approach to choosing the sex of a baby based on scientific evidence. The method involves timing intercourse around ovulation to increase the chances of conceiving a boy or a girl. The book "The Babydust Method: A Guide to Conceiving a Girl or a Boy" suggests that having sex two to three days before ovulation is likely to result in a girl while having sex on the day of ovulation and 24 hours later is more likely to result in a boy. Gender selection via the Babydust method also involves charting luteinizing hormone levels twice per day for at least three months before trying to conceive and having intercourse either once or twice per ovulation cycle, depending on the desired sex. The bottom line is that most patients prefer to do a guaranteed method like PGD through the IVF procedure from ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) methods; we have patients worldwide that welcome their baby with desired gender at the most affordable cost and the highest success rate!      

Alkaline diet to conceive a baby boy

  An Alkaline diet for gender selection is one of the popular diets based on chemistry research. If you are looking to conceive a baby boy, there are a few tips that could help. Eating foods with high alkaline levels may help create a more favorable environment for "boy" sperm carrying the Y chromosome. This includes eating spinach, kale, broccoli, avocado, celery, cucumber, tomatoes, and bell peppers. Lemon and watermelon are also great for promoting and maintaining alkaline levels in the body. Additionally, having an orgasm before penetration, practicing deep penetration during intercourse, and timing sex close to ovulation can increase the likelihood of conceiving a boy. While there is no scientific proof, reducing the intake of dairy products and raising the intake of high-calorie foods may also increase the chances of having a boy.

A word from TebMedTourism

  Overall, there are different types of gender selection diets that have been studied in scientific research. One study found that women who consumed more calories before conception had a higher percentage of boys, and those who ate breakfast cereal daily were likelier to have boys. However, no other foods showed a significant relationship. Another study assessed the efficacy of a maternal diet low in sodium and high in calcium, combined with timing intercourse well before ovulation, to increase the probability of conceiving a girl. Compliance with diet was assessed through mineral analyses of blood, and the timing of intercourse relative to ovulation was determined by ovulation tests. The study concluded that combining the maternal diet with the timing of intercourse can increase the probability of conceiving a girl. However, it is essential to note that altering the diet is less effective than IVF with PGD for gender selection (which guarantees your desired baby's gender). Determining the sex of your future baby before he/she is born is very interesting. You can decide on shower gifts, clothes, and a nursery, or in critical cases where parents have a history of gender-related genetic issues, you can prepare yourself. But fortunately, thanks to advanced tests like PGD via IVF treatment, which guarantees proper gender selection, and a more than 99% success rate, you can be sure of the result! Call our consultant if you want to take a decisive step with a 100% guarantee.

What is the Shettles method of gender selection?

The Shettles Method is a popular method that claims to help parents in gender selection via a natural method. This method involves timing intercourse to coincide with certain points in the menstrual cycle to increase the likelihood of conceiving a baby of the desired sex. For example, if you want to conceive a girl, you should have sex earlier in the menstrual cycle and abstain from having sex in the days leading up to ovulation. However, there is limited scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of this method, and it is difficult to determine whether it truly works.

What is the method for gender selection?

There are two kinds of gender selection methods; natural and technical. Shettles, Whelan, and Babydust are natural methods for gender selection which, in this TebMedTourism post in brief, have been reviewed. However, it is essential to note that altering the diet may not be as effective as using technology, like pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), to achieve guaranteed gender selection. PGD is an accurate technical test that is practical via the IVF journey and has a more than 99% success rate! Tebmedtourism, a well-skilled and well-known company, to avoid wasting patients' time, proposes a practical and guaranteed method with a 99.9% success rate for gender selection called PGD (Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis) tests via IVF procedure. Also, accompanying our particular IVF diet plan with this technical method will result in a healthy baby and healthy pregnancy without long-term effects after ART methods for the intended mother.

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