
How to choose a surrogacy agency?

leila Nazari article author
Dr. Ali Bazazi Medical approver
September 18, 2024 Update date
Choosing the right surrogacy agency is an incredibly important decision for anyone considering surrogacy. With so many different options out there, it can be difficult to know which surrogacy agency you should choose. So we've put together this comprehensive guide to help you find the surrogacy agency that meets all of your needs.   In this post on TebMedTourism, we’ll cover topics such as the history of the agency, the reviews of past patients, the success rate, the costs, the surrogacy contract, the birth hospitals and IVF clinics for the surrogacy process, and the physical and mental health of the surrogate, among other important factors. With this information in hand, you'll be able to make an informed decision and have peace of mind knowing that you've chosen the right agency.   The best IVF clinic that provides these data, TebMedTourism, is the cheapest country for surrogacy and has the highest success rate in the world in 2023. So you can safely rely on this data because we are professional and expert in fertility treatments as the best surrogacy agency!

How do I choose a surrogacy agency?

The decision to use a gestational surrogate for your own fertility journey is one of the most important decisions you will make. Before making any decisions, it is important to understand the guidelines for selecting the perfect gestational surrogate. This includes psychological screening for both the surrogate and her spouse or significant other, criminal/civil background checks, financial review of the surrogate's household income and economic stability, and medical clearance. Doing this hard struggle can help ensure that you find the best surrogate for your needs. On the other hand, fortunately, there is an extraordinary surrogacy agency that considers all your concerns intelligently; trust to TebMedTourism Co. and experience peace of mind! To get to know all the vital characteristics that a good surrogacy agency should focus on them, keep reading the following comprehensive guideline:

History of the agency and the review of the patients

A good reputation in fertility treatment is essential when choosing a surrogacy agency. A well-experienced surrogacy agency that considers proper screening of surrogate mothers and a high success rate in live and healthy birth will receive a flood of positive comments and happy feedback. When the surrogacy agency is well-known, there is definitely some clients’ same language as you that are ready to share their experiences through their surrogacy journey, so ideally, you should ask your chosen agency to link you to them. A history of success from surrogacy agency patients that are now happy parents will help you to make the best decision. Regarding TebMedTourism, in the patients’ section, there are unique videos that documentary film shows medical tourists from different nationalities who made a trip from the U.S., Canada, India, Bangladesh, etc., to Iran for Rhinoplasty, surrogacy, IVF+ Egg donation and other medical services (click here)

Surrogacy Success rate

The embryo produced by combining an egg and sperm from the intended mother should be transferred to the surrogacy uterus. The advanced technology employed is IVF (in vitro fertilization). As a result, the success rate of IVF is so significant! Secondly, if one of the intended parents has a history of genetic issues, applying genetic tests is necessary and finally, in determining the success rate for surrogacy, you should consider the following factors: • The health of the egg and sperm of the intended parents is the key factor (Guaranteed surrogacy) • A surrogate mother who already had a baby. • Your odds are up. (Which test do you need? PGD, PGS or NGS) Considering the above factors, a professional and experienced surrogacy agency like TebMedTourism has special packages with more than 75% success rate, with a cost of $29,000 in the guaranteed package, which provides a comfortable and reliable way of becoming a parent.

Surrogacy Cost

The cost of surrogacy according to the country and offers in packages is different. Surrogacy is an expensive and time-consuming procedure. So you should choose a surrogacy agency that provides complete and transparent price packages, payment plans, loan financing and other financial advice throughout your surrogacy journey. Infertile couples who will be offered surrogacy usually choose the cheapest country. Choosing the cheapest but with the best surrogacy agency like TebMedTourism will produce the best results only by paying $21,000!

Surrogacy contract

Surrogacy contracts that surrogacy agencies write should be exact, transparent and with comprehensive details between the intended parents and the gestational surrogate that outline the rights and obligations of both parties. These documents provide the basis for the determination of the parental rights of the intended parents. Before making any decision, ask for a sample surrogacy contract from the company and read it carefully!

IVF clinics and birth hospitals

After choosing your surrogacy agency according to factors similar: Reputation, expertise, cost, and success rate and scrutinizing the content of the contract, it is the turn of the clinics and hospitals that have contracted with the surrogacy agency(Best IVF clinic in the world 2023) . The high success rate of clinics in live birth and the successful IVF process, with hospitable staff and well-equipped labs, are the essential characteristics that the medical centers cooperating with the surrogacy agency must have these features.

Clear outline from each step

A good work surrogacy agency will be able to address any of your concerns involving medical bills and associated charges, in addition to speaking clearly and professionally about compensation and other extra costs. A professional surrogacy agency could give you exact and fresh data or be able to inform you of the number of clients they have served for the surrogacy journey.

What is the surrogacy screening process in choosing a surrogacy agency?

It is essential to ensure the surrogacy agency you choose is committed to providing a safe and secure experience for all involved. The agency's screening procedure must be completely clear and obvious. Screening and choosing a gestational carrier or surrogate (in gestational surrogacy) is a very complicated task. Finding a surrogacy agency with high accuracy that, before matching, checks the most important things, such as background checks for crimes, psychological testing, reviews of their health insurance, and more, takes work! Such high accuracy in the screening process should be on both parties of the surrogacy procedure, the surrogate mother (gestational carrier (GC)) and the intended parents, if the intended parents are ready for this long process, from all aspects, mentally, emotionally and financially! The potential surrogate must be ready to undergo mental and physical tests, and screening by the surrogate agency ensures that she is ready to go through the surrogacy procedure and carry someone’s child! In this process, the surrogacy agency should avoid these red flags: 1. The surrogate or her spouse is not in an excellent psychological situation 2. There is criminal background in the history of the surrogate or her spouse 3. There isn’t economic stability in the financial review of surrogate 4. There isn’t medical clearance from surrogate

What is the best surrogacy agency?

Only choosing the cheapest, it’s not so wise. Absolutely it would be best if you focused on all effecting factors that could lead to an impressive change in the result. For example, one of the most important aspects in legal matters is the legality of surrogacy procedures in the destination country. You and your partner should have special consideration about all elements that, in this case, you can find among the other agencies; the mental and physical health of the surrogate is so vital because this woman wants to keep your baby for 9 months. In the best surrogacy agency, TebMedTourism, we are honest and transparent about each step of the surrogacy journey. An honest surrogacy agency will share with you all aspects and challenges in the surrogacy procedure, as well as the joys, but we support you to the end through all ups and downs that you may face! TebMedTourism will provide you with simple responses to your questions. Due to our experience, we know what to do in any what-if scenario. So trust us!

You may like to read All about Surrogacy in Iran


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