abdullah barakzai

what is the cost of PGD?

The Cost Of PGD in the world

Most couples who would like to start their infertility treatment, undergo genetic diagnosis, and perform gender selection are concerned about the cost of PGD which is mostly not covered by health insurance packages. Financing infertility treatment particularly undergoing PGD testing through a solely family budget is challenging. Therefore, couples are looking for the cheapest destination [...]

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preimplantation genetic diagnosis for gender selection in 2023

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis for Gender Selection in 2023

PGD for gender selection is considered one of the most favorite and demanded procedures amongst potential couples, aiming at balancing the gender ratio in the family or preventing and decreasing the odds of developing some genetic-specific diseases in a child with a specific gender. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) testing is counted as one of the

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The advantages and disadvantages of PGD

The advantages and disadvantages of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)

Most potential parents who would like to plan their pregnancy are concerned about the overall condition and well-being of their next child, its future, and the pregnancy itself, or if they need to undergo any genetic disorder diagnostic testing, which one they should go for and what would be the pros and cons of that

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What is the difference between PGD and PGS?

Most infertile patients undergo Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) and Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) testing in Iran to experience safe and desired pregnancy due to its high quality, experienced specialists, advanced technology, higher rate of accuracy, and success with lower price. You may ask yourself, is it possible to have options to select your next child's

What is the difference between PGD and PGS? Read More »

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