kidney transplant

Kidney Transplant Patients

Do Kidney Transplant Patients Need Special Cares?

After struggling with kidney failure, probably undergoing dialysis sessions and waiting for a donor’s kidney for a long time, you finally get to have a kidney transplant. After returning home, the kidney transplant patients want to go back to a routine life just like the other ordinary people. However, they still need to have their

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Kidney Transplant Rejection

Reasons for Kidney Transplant Rejection

Kidney transplant or renal transplant is a precious procedure that can improve the recipient’s health life noticeably. However, some of the transplants are not successful. Sometimes the body does not accept the new organ and consequently rejects it.  Therefore, before undergoing kidney transplant surgery, you should consider the risks and the possibility of organ rejection

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Kidney Transplant Diet

What is the Kidney Transplant Patients’ Diet after the Surgery?

After each surgery, having a good nutrition is an important key for a successful recovery because after any surgery you need to consume enough protein and calory for your wounds so that they be healed more quickly. There is also a need for having a good nutrition in organ transplant patients because side effects of

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Does obesity affect the success rate of kidney transplant

Does obesity affect the success rate of kidney transplant?

Several questions may arise in one’s mind about this topic. What is obesity? How much overweight is included in obesity? What is the association between obesity and kidney diseases? And finally how does obesity affects the success rate of kidney transplant? At first we should know what is called obesity and in which condition kidney

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Kidney cancer and major risk factors

Cancer means abnormal development of cells uncontrollably. Abnormal cell proliferation leads to cancer. Cancer cells do not follow the normal mechanism of cell growth.Normally, cancer cells exist in human body, but they either die on their own or body's immune system destroys them. Uncontrolled proliferation of cells in any part of the body means cancer.

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What to expect: Kidney transplantation procedure step by step in Iran

Kidney transplantation procedure step by step in Iran

Kidney transplantation procedure step by step in Iran Kidney transplantation is one of the main treatment options for kidney failure (link to the article "What are the 10 signs of kidney failure?"), in which a healthy kidney is received from a donor and placed in the kidney patient's body. This procedure may have its advantages

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